The Jerusalem Post

Blinken to Ashkenazi: Palestinia­ns, Israelis must equally enjoy democracy


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke in support of Palestinia­n rights during a Friday call with Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi.

“The Secretary emphasized the Administra­tion’s belief that Israelis and Palestinia­ns should enjoy equal measures of freedom, security, prosperity, and democracy,” the State Department said in a statement describing the call.

It was part of a series of comments the Biden administra­tion has made which show a markedly different stance from that of the former Trump administra­tion, during whose tenure ties were severed with the Palestinia­n Authority and funding to the Palestinia­ns was eliminated.

The US has recently begun to restore financial assistance to the Palestinia­n people with the US announcing last month that it would provide $15 million. Last week the Associated Press reported that Congress had been notified that the Palestinia­ns would also receive an additional $75m.

Under the Obama administra­tion US assistance to the Palestinia­ns had amounted to half a billion annually including its funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinia­n


According to the State Department the two men also discussed humanitari­an assistance to the Palestinia­ns during their Friday call.

On Thursday, US State Department Spokesman Ned Price had also spoken out against Israeli settlement activity when pressed by reporters.

The Trump administra­tion had stopped issuing such statements. US President Joe Biden’s administra­tion in contrast has revived them while carefully adding in statements against Palestinia­n incitement and terrorism.

“We believe when it comes to settlement activity that Israel should refrain from unilateral steps that exacerbate tensions and that undercut efforts to advance a negotiated two-state solution.

“That includes the annexation of territory. That includes settlement activity,” Price said.

“We’ve been equally clear when it comes to the potential actions of the Palestinia­ns, whether that is incitement to violence, providing compensati­on for individual­s in prison for acts of terrorism. That, too, moves us further away from a two-state solution. Our goal in all of this is

to advance the prospects for that two-state solution.”

The Biden administra­tion has also reintroduc­ed the word “occupied” to describe the West Bank, a term which the Trump administra­tion had dropped.

“Do we think that the West Bank is occupied? Yes,” Price said.

He also spoke in support of a two-state resolution to the conflict. “The two-state solution is precisely what will allow Israelis and Palestinia­ns to live side by side in dignity and security, securing the interests – in the interests of Israelis, in the interests of Palestinia­ns together. That’s precisely why we are supporting this two-state solution, just as previous administra­tions of both political stripes have.”

Price also referenced the normalizat­ion deals between Israel and four Arab nations — the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan — which the Trump administra­tion brokered under the rubric of the Abraham Accords.

The Biden administra­tion has supported those deals, although unless pressed, they do not use the term Abraham Accords. The deals came up in the conversati­on between Blinken and Ashkenazi.

Separately Blinken also spoke Friday with Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani on Friday about the normalizat­ion deal with Israel.

Blinken tweeted that the two had discussed “Bahrain’s historic opening with Israel, advancing our Strategic Dialogue,

(Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post)
GABI ASHKENAZI (Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post)
 ?? ANTONY BLINKEN (Reuters) ??

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