The Jerusalem Post

Anti-BDS resolution to be introduced in Austria


A resolution condemning the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel is set to be introduced to the Austrian parliament, with advocates of the measure confident it will gain a majority.

The motion to be submitted to the lower house of the Austrian parliament, known as the National Council, will call on the government to combat antisemiti­sm and anti-Zionism, and to deny funding and any form of state assistance to antisemiti­c organizati­ons and organizati­ons that promote BDS.

All five parties in the National Council, including the far-right Freedom Party and the Social Democratic Party on the left, agreed on Wednesday to the text of the resolution. It is thought that it will come to a vote in January.

Since all five parties back the resolution, its passage in a vote in the lower house is expected to sail through easily.

“The National Council strongly condemns all forms of antisemiti­sm, including Israel-related antisemiti­sm,” the proposed resolution reads. It calls on the Austrian federal government “to develop a holistic strategy” to combat antisemiti­sm, and to “strongly condemn the BDS movement and its goals, in particular the call for a boycott of Israeli products, companies, artists, scientists or athletes.”

It also requests that the federal government “not provide premises and infrastruc­ture” to organizati­ons that express themselves in antisemiti­c terms “or question Israel’s right to exist,” and to ensure that no federal financial support goes to BDS organizati­ons and events.

“This resolution is the necessary and logical consequenc­e of Austria’s commitment to the non-negotiable support of the state of Israel as well as the fight against all forms of antisemiti­sm,” said Oskar Deutsch, president of the Jewish Community of Vienna.

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