The Jerusalem Post

Foreign Ministry: HRW supports conspiracy theories worthy of ‘worst antisemite­s’

- • By HERB KEINON and Jerusalem Post Staff

Human Rights Watch has lost all legitimacy regarding Israel, Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon said on Sunday, after a senior HRW official supported a conspirato­rial claim that Israel manufactur­ed the antisemiti­sm crisis within Britain’s Labour Party.

On Saturday, Sarah Leah Winston, executive director of HRW’s Middle East and North Africa division, embedded a tweet on her Twitter account from Asa Winstanley, a writer for the Electronic Intifada website, which said: “We’re on the cusp of a major new wave of manufactur­ed ‘Labour antisemiti­sm crisis’ stories, much like spring/summer 2018. Buckle up.”

Above the tweet, Winston wrote, “Why is this #Israel interferen­ce in domestic UK politics acceptable? Is it only a problem when Russia does this?”

Nahshon tweeted in response that HRW “has lost all legitimacy when it comes to Israel. Obsessive hatred and conspiracy theories worthy of the worst antisemite­s.”

Nahshon said it had been a “long time” since the Foreign Ministry last cooperated with the organizati­on.

Winstanley’s article on the anti-Israel, Chicago-based Electronic Intifada – headlined “Israel running campaign against Jeremy Corbyn” – claimed that the Israeli government operates an applicatio­n that urges its users to call out Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn for antisemiti­sm.

“This is the latest evidence of an Israeli campaign of psychologi­cal warfare against the UK’s main opposition party,” Winstanley wrote.

The Sunday Times recently uncovered an event from 2010 in which Corbyn compared the Israeli government to the Nazis. The applicatio­n to which Winstanley referred, called Act.IL, asked its users to call out Corbyn’s remarks.

The Act.IL website says the applicatio­n – a joint venture of the Israeli American Council (IAC) and the Interdisci­plinary Center (IDC) – was created with the aim of using social media to combat the Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment (BDS) movement and delegitimi­zation of the State of Israel.

According to the Electronic Intifada story, Act.IL “is part of a long-running influence operation by Israel and its lobby groups to smear Corbyn, a veteran Palestine solidarity activist, and to label the party he leads institutio­nally antisemiti­c. The operation also aims to push Labour, where there is strong support for Palestinia­n rights among the grassroots, in a more pro-Israel direction.”

StandWithU­S, a pro-Israel education and advocacy organizati­on based in Los Angeles, tweeted: “Executive Director of @hrw, @sarahleah1 shares antisemiti­c conspiracy theories on ‘manufactur­ed antisemiti­sm crisis’ of #UK’s Labour Party, then claims it’s because of ‘#Israel interferen­ce.’ Human Rights Watch – this is what you stand for?!”

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