The Jerusalem Post

Orson Welles’s last film makes it to the screen

- ORSON WELLES (Wikimedia Commons) • By ROBIN POMEROY

VENICE (Reuters) – It is the stuff of movie industry legend: The director of the best film ever made leaves behind an unfinished movie destined never to be seen – until now.

Orson Welles shot The Other Side of the Wind in the early 1970s but gave up on it, leaving behind 100 hours of footage when he died in 1985.

Five decades-on from its conception, after years of financial and legal wrangling, the film has been completed, a gift to movie buffs who will probably spend the next 50 years decoding it.

The Other Side of the Wind,

which The Hollywood Reporter

called “the Holy Grail for zealous film buffs, the long-awaited bookend for Citizen Kane,”

is art imitating life imitating art: itself the story of an unfinished film left behind by a great director and reconstruc­ted after his death.

John Huston – a famous director in real life – plays Jake Hannaford who, hours before his death in a car crash, shows his unfinished movie to guests at his 70th birthday party.

That film-within-a-film is self-consciousl­y arty, with plenty of female nudity, reminiscen­t of late 1960s movies such as Michelange­lo Antonioni’s Blow Up or some of JeanLuc Godard’s films of the time.

“The old guy’s trying to get ‘with it’,” says one viewer. “Is that what this movie is about?”

The party is populated by a host of filmmakers, journalist­s and hangers-on, all commenting on the art of movie-making and many shooting their own footage as the story unfolds – film clips that make up much of the movie we are watching, in a pioneering version of the “found-footage” technique often used in modern horror films.

“People talk about these reality shows and found-footage movies but I think it’s very interestin­g that Orson Welles was there first,” Bob Murawski, the film editor who had the task of reconstruc­ting The Other Side of the Wind, told reporters.

“The conceit of the movie is that it’s shot by many documentar­y filmmakers, camera people, all shooting with different film stock and cameras. I think it’s why it seems so contempora­ry, because years later people picked up on that technique and that’s the style that Orson invented in the ‘70s.”

The Guardian film critic Peter Bradshaw called The Other Side of the Wind a “hurricane of anger and wit.”

The Other Side of the Wind had its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival, which began August 29 and runs through September 8.

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