The Jerusalem Post

Palestinia­ns slam Nation-State Law as ‘racism, apartheid’


The Palestinia­ns strongly condemned the Jewish NationStat­e Law that was approved by the Knesset on Thursday, dubbing it a “racist and apartheid law.”

The Palestinia­ns also called on the UN General Assembly to reinstate the “Zionism is racism” resolution that was adopted in 1975 but repealed in 1991.

The Palestinia­n Authority said in a statement that the new law “paved the way for ethnic cleansing and was a declaratio­n of war on all Palestinia­ns.”

A statement released by the PA Informatio­n Ministry in Ramallah said the Nation-State Law was also a declaratio­n of war on the Palestinia­ns’ land, rights, identity, and language.”

The new law, the ministry charged, “unleashes the arm of terrorism and racism” and provides justificat­ion for harming the status of the Arab citizens of Israel.

It called on parliament­s “in the democratic world to reject this dangerous law” and hold the Knesset responsibl­e for “the legitimiza­tion of hate and incitement.”

In another statement, the PA Foreign Ministry said that by approving the new law, Israel has “officially declared itself an apartheid state.” The ministry said that the law was aimed at sending a message to the world to the effect that Israel “rejects any effort to solve the conflict peacefully, on the basis of a two-state solution.”

PLO secretary-general Saeb Erekat said that the new law “aims at legalizing Israel’s institutio­nal discrimina­tion against its Arab Palestinia­n citizens.” The law, he added, turns Israel into a “de-facto apartheid regime.”

Erekat said that the law “builds up on dozens of racist and discrimina­tory laws against non-Jews, being an extension of racist and colonialis­t practices that aim at burying the rights of the Palestinia­n people.”

The law, he added, “would not have been passed without the culture of impunity that Israel continues to enjoy. It is time for the internatio­nal community, and particular­ly for those who still claim to “share democratic values” with Israel, such as the European Union, to take measures in accordance with this new reality of Israel, a state that systematic­ally violates its obligation­s under internatio­nal law and UN resolution­s, defining itself as an apartheid state. All people affected by this law must receive protection from the internatio­nal community.”

Erekat said that “no racist law will undermine the rights of our people. We are proud of being a strong nation deeply rooted in our homeland. We will remain steadfast holding on tightly to the historic, national and human rights of our people, wherever they are, including by fully ending the Israeli occupation by freeing the state of Palestine on the 1967 border, with east Jerusalem as its capital, as well as fulfilling all our rights based on internatio­nal law, including the refugee issue in accordance with UN General Assembly Resolution 194.”

Ahmed Majdalani, a senior PLO official in Ramallah, said that the Nation-State Law “exposed the true face of the state of terrorism, fascism and racism.” He called for reinstatin­g the “Zionism is racism” resolution, adding that Israel “continues to pose the biggest threat to world peace and security.”

In the Gaza Strip, Hamas also strongly denounced the law and said it “legitimize­s Israeli racism.”

Hamas spokespers­on Fawzi Barhoum said that such laws would not have passed were it not for the “silence of the internatio­nal community” and the backing of the US administra­tion.

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