The Jerusalem Post

Escaping on trucks, Mossad got nuke docs out of Iran via Azerbaijan


The Mossad’s getaway for smuggling Iran’s secret nuclear documents out of the country was using trucks to get to the border with Azerbaijan and then crossing the border with help from Iranian smugglers, a report in the Kuwaiti Al Jarida said on Thursday.

There have been contradict­ory reports about whether or not the Mossad agents who did the smuggling were being chased on their way out, but all reports indicate that the nuclear documents were smuggled to Israel all in one day.

According to the Al Jarida report, the documents were taken out of the warehouse and placed into two trucks.

The two trucks then left in different directions to reduce any unwanted attention to the operation and various Mossad agents involved in the extraction dispersed themselves in different parts of Iran.

Since Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Monday bombshell presentati­on of the secret nuclear documents, wild theories have been spinning about how Israel’s elite spy agency pulled off the daring feat.

A range of prior reports have indicated that the Mossad carried out the raid on the Iran Shirobad district warehouse on January 31.

The Kuwaiti report said only two Mossad agents accompanie­d a truck to the border with Azerbaijan where they met an additional Mossad team as well as Iranian smugglers.

The smugglers did not know what they were moving into Azerbaijan and the country’s government did not know about the operation – though it is a country with strong relations with Israel, said the report.

Once the documents were in Azerbaijan, it was smooth sailing in getting them to Israel.

A debate then ensued about when or how to present the documents, with some delay caused simply by the awesome task of translatin­g from Persian so many documents in highly specific nuclear lingo.

Eventually, it was decided to forgo the standard quiet leaking of informatio­n or providing it only to intelligen­ce colleagues in other countries and to make a major public presentati­on, while protecting intelligen­ce sources and methods.

Maariv’s Yasser Okbi contribute­d to this report.

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