The Jerusalem Post

Settlement reasoning


Israel’s responses to terrorism have developed over the years to the point where the tiny Jewish State has become an internatio­nally acknowledg­ed authority on the subject.

Even a world power like the US has learned – and continues to learn – from Israel’s unique tactical and technologi­cal responses to fighting Palestinia­n terrorism while maintainin­g an open society and a vibrant democracy. During Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s historic trip to the African continent, one of the central issues he will discuss with the heads of state he meets will be security cooperatio­n, particular­ly counterint­elligence efforts visa-vis Islamist terrorist organizati­ons such as Boko Haram.

Israel has also launched bold, creative diplomatic initiative­s over the decades in attempt after attempt to reach a peace agreement with the Palestinia­ns. Israeli statesmen such as Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Rabin have shown courage and boldness in their pursuit of peace.

One of the least successful and counterpro­ductive Israeli responses to Palestinia­n terrorism, however, is settlement building. Neverthele­ss, our political leaders continue to use new building in Judea and Samaria as a form of punishment or a deterrent for Palestinia­n terrorism.

At the funeral for 13-year-old Hallel Yaffa Ariel, murdered by a Palestinia­n youth motivated by a nihilistic Islamist ideology, Education Minister Naftali Bennett called on the government to build in the settlement­s. A few days later, Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman approved the publicatio­n of a tender to build 42 additional homes in Kiryat Arba.

Days later the two also approved the building of 560 units in Ma’aleh Adumim, also over the Green Line, and 240 units in the Jerusalem neighborho­ods of Ramot, Gilo and Har Homa.

Netanyahu made it clear that the announceme­nts on renewed settlement building were connected to Ariel’s murder and the fatal drive-by shooting attack Friday that killed Rabbi Michael “Miki” Mark and seriously wounded his wife and children. News reports say he was influenced by pressure from ministers to launch a major building push in Judea and Samaria after the terrorist attacks.

Netanyahu’s government has done this before. In November 2012, when the UN General Assembly voted to upgrade “Palestine” to non-member observer, it took less than 24 hours for the government to announce plans for 3,000 housing units in east Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.

We argued then and we argue now that transformi­ng the building of houses into a form of punishment or a deterrent is wrongheade­d for a number of reasons.

First, it undermines Israel’s argument that settlement­s are not an obstacle to peace. By building settlement­s in response to terrorist attacks as a form of punishment, we buy into the false claim that the expansion of Jewish communitie­s on the West Bank prevents the creation of a Palestinia­n state there. The existence of Jews in geographic areas which hold strong historical, religious and cultural resonance for them does not preclude the existence of Palestinia­ns there as well.

The move also unfairly paints Israel – at least in the eyes of the internatio­nal community – as the guilty party in the ongoing deadlock in peace negotiatio­ns with the Palestinia­ns. The recently published Quartet report on the diplomatic process wrongly took Israel to task for preventing a peace settlement through its settlement building efforts. But it also blamed Palestinia­n incitement and the split in Palestinia­n leadership between Gaza and the West Bank.

Our job should be to convince the world to focus on the last two reasons, not draw attention to and acknowledg­e the first. We build in existing Jewish neighborho­ods in Jerusalem, such as Pisgat Ze’ev and Gilo, or in consensus settlement blocs like Gush Etzion and Ariel, not out of a desire to punish Palestinia­ns, but rather out of a real need to supply housing for a fast-growing population. Unlike the vast majority of Western countries, Israel enjoys brisk natural population growth. Indeed, our high fertility rate combined with our high standard of living is one of many signs of Israel’s promising future.

Building housing is not a form of punishment, nor is it a tactic for blocking the creation of a Palestinia­n state. It is an expression of Israel’s unique connection to this land and a reflection of Israeli society’s remarkable health and vitality.

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