The Jerusalem Post

Obama replaces White House chief of staff with observant Jew


WASHINGTON (JTA) – US President Barack Obama, facing a tough reelection fight, shook up the top ranks of his administra­tion on Monday by replacing White House chief of staff Bill Daley with Jack Lew.

Lew is currently director of the Office of Management and Budget, a cabinet-level position and a post he also filled during the Clinton administra­tion. He was previously Obama’s deputy secretary of state. He is an Orthodox Jew.

The National Jewish Democratic Council congratula­ted Lew on Monday night on his appointmen­t.

“Throughout his time leading the Office of Management and Budget, Jack Lew has lived his Jewish values every day by working to strengthen the economy and ensuring that painful budget cuts do not strand vulnerable Americans,” said NJDC President and CEO David A. Harris said. “We wish Jack a hearty ‘mazel tov’ – congratula­tions – and wish him all the best in this crucially important new position.”

Daley is leaving after just over a year on the job. He replaced Rahm Emanuel, who left the White House to run successful­ly for Chicago’s mayor.

Lew, like Emanuel, has close Jewish community ties.

There had been speculatio­n in the organized Jewish community about whether Obama would fill a top spot with someone close to the Jewish community after the departure last month of Dennis Ross, who had been his top Iran policy adviser.

 ?? (Reuters) ?? JACK LEW
(Reuters) JACK LEW

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