Wicklow People

Pupils and supporters walk for 12 hours to help refurb school


SCOIL Treasa Naofa in Tynock was a hive of activity when they held a 12-hour walkathon to raise funds for their school refurbishm­ent project.

With a refreshmen­ts tent, music, and a great buzz of chat and community, there was a wonderful atmosphere at the school, with all proceeds from the day going towards a facelift for the school, for which the walkathon was a key fundraiser.

Aisling Grace, school principal said that she was very eager to get the school painted and “create a fresh look”, adding that the “enthusiast­ic teaching and learning and positive energy within the building needs to celebrated and reflected on the outside of the building”.

Her first step was to speak to the Parents Associatio­n in the school, who jumped on board straight away to support the project. The group then settled on the idea of the 12-hour walkathon, and it took off!

Heather Myers of the Parents

Associatio­n said the group were “overwhelme­d with the support they received from the local business community”, noting that they had a “huge response with team sponsors coming on board who are delighted to support the project”.

Dawn McCall, Deputy Principal, said there was a “lovely buzz around the school all day and it was lovely to see past pupils of the school returning to give donations and do a few laps of the walking track also”.

As 9 p.m. came and the walkathon finished, Aisling Grace was eager to thank all who had supported their fundraiser.

“Thank you to the many generous sponsors, to the students and their families who had sponsorshi­p cards, to all our volunteers on the day, the very supportive Parents Associatio­n and of course to the students and staff who had been preparing the school during the week getting ready for the big event.

“Be sure to pop up to Tynock in August to see the fruits of our labour – we have big plans!”

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