The Kerryman (North Kerry)

Pobalscoil students are runners up in all-Europe achievemen­t awards



DINGLE Pobalscoil students win glory at the European GEN-E in Sicily

The eruption of Mount Etna, which showered the Sicilian city of Catalania with ash, provided a backdrop of fireworks to the announceme­nt of Pobalscoil Corca Dhuibhne students’s triumph as first runner-up in the all-Europe GEN-E, Junior Achievemen­t Awards.

The quality of their eco-friendly products and the confident presentati­on of their ‘Glan go Glas’ business by transition year students, Kate Ní Shúilleabh­áin, Katie Ní Éineacháin, Ríona Ní Ghealbháin, Oisín Ó Dubhda, and Cian Ó Gallachóir impressed the competitio­n judges who placed them in second place ahead of entries from 55 other countries.

Helen Raferty of Junior Achievemen­t Ireland said, “Glan go Glas’ has brought great honour to Ireland on the European stage”.

The group progressed to representi­ng Ireland in the European competitio­n after their mini-company ‘Glan go Glas’, which provides eco-friendly cleaning products, won the national Údarás na Gaeltachta ‘Clár na gComhlacht­aí‘ competitio­n.

Chief Executive Officer of Údarás na Gaeltachta, Tomás Ó Síocháin, described the students’ success as “a remarkable achievemen­t for Glan go Glas and Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne. It clearly demonstrat­es the talent and innovation of our young people in the Gaeltacht”.

Pobalscoil teacher and mentor to the students, Trish Heneghan, said the idea for the eco-friendly cleaning products came from a talk on food waste that the students attended. They subsequent­ly collected food waste from local supermarke­ts and added other ingredient­s to develop their ‘Glan go Glas’ cleaning products.

This award means a lot to Trish, who has steered and coached students in developing mini companies during Transition Year for more than a decade.

In the five years that Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne students have taken part in the Clár na Comhlachta­í competitio­n, the school has won the national title four times. The European competitio­n attracts in the region of 6,000 entries and the Pobalscoil student’s success there was all the more remarkable because they were the youngest contestant­s, Trish said.

She said she was surprised to learn in Sicily that the Gen-E programme is a part of the general curriculum in schools in many countries, with students taking two years to develop their companies before presenting them for the competitio­n.

By contrast, the West Kerry students and their mentor do all the work within a six-month timeframe.

The eruption of Mount Etna did nothing to dampen the spirits of West Kerry’s young entreprene­urs, but the disruption to airline schedules caused by a cloud of volcanic ash meant their journey home was prolonged, with an extra overnight stop in Naples before flying to Shannon.

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