The Irish Mail on Sunday



Here’s your chance to win a €15 book token. Complete the crossword using either the cryptic or the quick clues and send it to us with your name and address. Send your solution to: Cryptic/Quick Crossword No.921, The Irish Mail on Sunday, PO Box 5332, Cardiff Lane, Dublin 2. Entries must be received by Thursday. The winner will be drawn from a hat. The winner of Cryptic/Quick Crossword No.920 is Danny McLoughlin, Bray, Co. Wicklow.



8 Confused plotter wasted time getting fuel (6)

9 Winter nettles surroundin­g web (8)

10 Made progress,

being up-to-date (8)

11 English gale confused

small birds (6)

12 In ditch, yak is irritable (5)

13 Top wager – second coming in (4) 14 Section within compartmen­t (4)

16 Jealous character to

return greeting (7)

18 Dolly is fixed in a sturdy way (7)

20 Chief executive

sobs uncontroll­ably (4)

21 Avaricious editor lost colour (4)

22 Get up with new hair dye (5)

25 Came in to reform building (6)

27 Mixed in tonic, energy comes

from stimulant (8)

28 Limits one copper to

medium pepper (8)

29 Catch joke, starting

in container (6)


1 Tried compositio­n, getting key to change again (2-4)

2 Managing the bar, not quite so eager (10)

3 Support gets student gloomy (5) 4 Cheat to get a crab (7)

5 Notice a military command (9) 6 Container includes rook and crow (4)

7 Clever, seeing key Republican in the middle of breakfast (8)

14 Lowbrow man, that is,

isn’t running in (10)

15 Blatancy of prisoner

in the country (9)

17 Very hot, right inside current (8)

19 Affectiona­te term

for Tiddles, say (3,4)

23 Resign unexpected­ly

as a musician (6)

24 Last of retailers manage range (5) 26 Simple point, say, to change (4)



8 Type of fuel (6)

9 World Wide Web (8) 10 Modern (8)

11 Birds of prey (6)

12 Having an

irritation (5)

13 Supreme (4)

14 Component (4)

16 Shakespear­e

play (7)

18 In a firm way (7) 20 Leader (4)

21 Nondescrip­t (4) 22 Wash out (5)

25 Film theatre (6)

27 Tobacco

constituen­t (8)

28 Salad plant (8)

29 Small basket (6) Down

1 Revise again (2-4) 2 Panting (10)

3 Darkest colour (5) 4 Violinist (7)

5 Notice (9)

6 Boast (4)

7 Intellectu­al (8)

14 Lowbrow (10)

15 Obviousnes­s (9) 17 Sweltering (8)

19 Term of

endearment (3,4) 23 Vocalist (6)

24 Extent (5)

26 Facile (4)

 ?? ??

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