The Irish Mail on Sunday

Funeral of tragic beach drowning victim Emili, 7

- By Valerie Hanley

AS THE gleaming black hearse carrying the simple white coffin neared Our Lady and St John’s church in Carrigalin­e, Co. Cork, yesterday morning, a row of little girls and boys clutching cuddly toys stood still.

Minutes earlier, some of the children had happily taken it in turns to play, sliding down a metal pole, eagerly seeking adventure on a beautiful, blue-skied September morning.

But now their little faces were a portrait of wonder, awe and disbelief as their school friend Emili Roman’s remains were taken to the local Catholic church for her funeral Mass.

The little girl – who would have celebrated her eighth birthday last Thursday – drowned after she was swept out to sea while on a day out at nearby Fountainst­own beach on Tuesday.

Fr Aidan Cremen yesterday said that her parents, Martha and Slawomir, are so heartbroke­n they are speechless.

Speaking on their behalf, he told the hundreds gathered for Emili’s funeral: ‘They wanted me to tell you of their gratitude for condolence­s and help and your presence here today because they’re so heartbroke­n, Slawomir and Martha, they are just not able to have a conversati­on with people at this time… They need space.

‘The community of Crosshaven is in shock and sadness today… this beautiful piece of paradise. But our hearts are broken. Emili enjoyed the benefits of living in Crosshaven and her loving parents have given her a fabulous lifestyle.

‘We can’t find words to express how we feel at this moment. Even though we are heartbroke­n today everybody here has happy memories of Emili as a happy, joyful, contented child, sensitive and caring.

‘And the memories Emili has taken with her are happy, joyful, beautiful memories. That’s how we will remember her.’

Emili lived with her family in the scenic village of Crosshaven. Sometime around 4pm on Tuesday she was swept out to sea while on a trip to the beach.

Her body was later found by a member of the public after they alerted a local RNLI rescue crew.

Some of those involved in the search and rescue mission formed a guard of honour as a mark of respect yesterday.

Members of An Garda Síochána donned their caps as the white coffin carrying Emili was brought into the church.

Last night a Gofundme page set up by family friend Beata O’Sullivan had reached €43,203 of a €50,000 target.

The page reads: ‘Emili was a ray of sunshine in our lives, a compassion­ate friend, a loving daughter and a cherished sister. Her laughter was infectious and her kindness knew no bounds.’

Emili is survived by her heartbroke­n mother and father, Martha and Slawomir, her older sister Inga and her twin brother Jeremy.

 ?? ?? drowned: Little Emili Roman
drowned: Little Emili Roman

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