The Irish Mail on Sunday

Hold the front page – teen son plays off his parents...


ROWS between teenagers and their parents are ten-a-penny, particular­ly at this time of the year. But when the mother is Madonna, an event that would scarcely earn a mention in another family gets blown out of all proportion and becomes emblematic of all that is wrong with the Material Girl. Madonna’s 15-year-old son, Rocco’s refusal to fly to New York to spend Christmas with her has been interprete­d as the inevitable rebellion of a teenager who has grown embarrasse­d by his mother’s love life, her revealing costumes and on-stage exhibition­ism. Pundits with an apparent inside track on Madonna’s domestic life say that her monumental narcissism and controllin­g behaviour have pushed poor Rocco into the arms of his father Guy Ritchie and the promise of a more stable home life.

Surely the more likely explanatio­n is that Madonna has refused to allow Rocco do something he has his teenage heart set on and that, like many children of divorced parents, he is simply playing one parent off against the other?

Rocco is lucky to have two parents devoted to his welfare and happiness. He is also lucky to have a mother who is extraordin­arily successful and has worked hard to give him the good life while also furnishing his father with a luxury lifestyle thanks to a generous divorce settlement.

If she dates men young enough to be her son, or gyrates on stage like a popstrel half her age, she is only following in the footsteps of Mick Jagger and other rock gods. Yet she is pilloried for behaviour that is glorified in males and her son’s normal teenage tantrums used as a stick to beat her with. So much for the free-and-easy music industry.

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