The Irish Mail on Sunday



In a movie full of horribly realistic FX – a tsunami tossing people around like salad leaves, a stream of electric-blue atomic vomit issuing from the anti-hero’s mouth – there’s no doubt about Godzilla’s most terrifying sight. That’d be the beige bird’s nest standing in for Breaking Bad baldy Bryan Cranston’s barnet.

Cranston plays a boffin working with his wife (Juliette Binoche) at a Japanese nuclear plant that is attacked and trashed by who knows what? All right, we know full well who’s done the deed, but director Gareth Edwards is to be congratula­ted for not entirely setting out his stall upfront.

What little suspense his picture has resides in its teasing us about quite how gruesome Godzilla looks. Otherwise, this is a standardis­sue movie – all rumbles and thuds and judders – whose only claim to uniqueness is contriving to waste quite so many A-grade stars.

As well as Cranston and Binoche, actors as fine as Sally Hawkins, David Strathairn and Elizabeth Olsen are obliged to stand there and mouth such boiler-plate phrases as ‘bioacousti­cs’, ‘radiation levels catalysing’ and ‘Hey guys, you gotta see this.’ No you don’t.

For a genuine FX treat try Filmed In Supermario­nation, an overlong but fond tribute to Thunderbir­ds, Stingray, Captain Scarlet and other TV masterpiec­es created by Gerry Anderson.

Fascinatin­g facts abound; my favourites being that Nicholas Parsons was the voice of Tex Tucker in the early series Four Feather Falls and that, yes, that air-convector on the wall of Thunderbir­d 1’s launch-pad really is a lemon-squeezer.

Dumb thriller of the week is Grand Piano, in which keyboard ace Elijah Wood is midway through a recital when a sniper draws a bead on him and threatens instant death should he play a wrong note.

If that sounds a bit like Hitchcock’s The Man Who

Knew Too Much, then don’t be fooled. Eugenio Mira’s movie is slower than a Bruckner symphony. Only John Cusack, who literally dials in his performanc­e as the gun-toting crazy, escapes with something like his reputation.

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 ??  ?? griM: Godzilla far left left, also featuring Bryan Cranston, above. Top: Elijah Wood in Grand Piano
griM: Godzilla far left left, also featuring Bryan Cranston, above. Top: Elijah Wood in Grand Piano
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