The Avondhu

Pearse Square clock funds safe from reallocati­on


Fermoy Municipal District is ‘not ready’ to start works on lighting up Pearse Square clock in Fermoy, council officials have said.

The matter was discussed at last week’s Fermoy MD meeting, in which it was proposed that €5,000 which was allocated earlier this year to light up the clock in the heart of the town, be reallocate­d to works at Fermoy Library.

Councillor­s at the monthly meeting were informed that the library has sought funding from Fermoy MD to help cover the costs of renovation­s. Funding sought included €16,070 for exterior painting of the building, power washing, cleaning and anti-fungal spray, €3,300 for three planters, and €2,100 for three mesh panels.

Having discussed the matter with the SEO, municipal district officer, Pauline Moriarty proposed to members to approve funding to the value of €12,000 from the Fermoy pay parking dividend, €5,000 of which was allocated towards the town clock and ‘ will not be drawn down this year’, according to Ms Moriarty.

Cllr Noel McCarthy said that while he welcomed the works to the library, he queried as to whether it was ‘standard’ for the library to seek MD funding and said he would be against reallocati­on of funds that are already allocated elsewhere.

“I was looking forward to the clock being done. I’m just disappoint­ed that if we take away the €5,000 for that again, are we ever going to get it back? That clock being lit up in the square I think would be a great focal feature of the town,” Cllr McCarthy said.


Ms Moriarty said that the works that funding was requested for by the library were consistent with what the MD had already funded in the town. She also noted that further work would need to be done to the Pearse Square clock ahead of any lighting up.

“We have done some reports and investigat­ions into the town clock. It does need to be repaired and it’s not a straightfo­rward fix. We have had a contractor up there twice already this year and he wants to go back for a better look because some of it is harder to access,” Ms Moriarty said.

She also noted that the €5,000 in funding could be reallocate­d from elsewhere in the upcoming budget.

Cllr Frank Roche supported Cllr McCarthy in suggesting to give the €7,000 in unallocate­d funds towards the library works, however, to not reallocate the €5,000 earmarked for the clock.

“I would have the fear that if the money is taken back, we won’t ever again get it. I think it is important that that clock is lit up in the square,” Cllr Roche said.

Pointing to the suggested reallocati­on from 2022 funding, Cllr Kay Dawson said she too would not be in support of such without knowing what the upcoming budget would be.

“I also have a problem with pre deciding what we are going to spend in a budget when we haven’t a clue what the budgets are going to be like next year. I don’t like preallocat­ing money before you have all the details in front of you,” Cllr Dawson said.

It was agreed by councillor­s that the €7,000 in unallocate­d funds would be given to the town library, however, the €5,000 for lighting up the clock would not be reallocate­d.


Fermoy Library was due to reopen in early November, members of the Fermoy Municipal District heard at the recent meeting that there had been ‘knock-on delays’, which will now see a reopening date of December 1.

“A minor delay with the recommissi­oning of an electrical element of the building has caused knock-on delays in finalising other minor snag jobs and preparing the library for reopening,” according to county librarian, Emer O’Brien.

Despite the new reopening date, it was also reported that the ‘My Open Library’ facility will not open in Fermoy until at least February 2022, due to the Covid-19 restrictio­ns.

In 2019, Minister for Rural and Community Developmen­t Michael Ring TD, announced funding to the tune of €1.5 million to support the continued roll-out of the My Open Library service. Fermoy successful­ly secured funding of €189,950.

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