Sligo Weekender

Sligo Surf Lifesaving Club continues summer training


SLIGO Surf Lifesaving Club’s summer training schedule has been ongoing at Enniscrone and Rosses Point beaches.

Currently midway through this programme, training sessions are taking place for nipper (those aged 9-14), youth (14-18), senior (16+) and masters (30+).

At the weekly training sessions, participan­ts are preparing for regional and national surf lifesaving competitio­ns. The regional championsh­ips for the nipper and youth age groups take place at Mullaghmor­e beach in north Sligo next month (August 10-11).

Nipper and junior members have been learning many surf lifesaving skills over the season in a competitiv­e and fun environmen­t. These skills include swimming, use of boards and skis, water rescues, beach running and flags. These are the core foundation­s for the skills needed to be a lifeguard.

Indeed, several members of Sligo Surf Lifesaving Club are current or past lifeguards on the beaches of Sligo’s coast and further afield.

Many of the senior and masters age group members of Sligo Surf Lifesaving Club assist with the training of the nipper and junior age groups. On Sunday last there was a joint-session held at Rosses Point involving the nipper members from the Enniscrone and Rosses Point groups.

Sligo Surf Lifesaving Club is the sport element of Water Safety Ireland Sligo. Participan­ts from the age of nine upwards learn many lifesaving skills both in the surf/open water (summer months) and in the pool (winter months).

Lisa Dunne, PRO of Water Safety Ireland Sligo, said that Sligo Surf Lifesaving Club is looking forward to next month’s regional event in Mullaghmor­e. “The club is delighted with the enthusiasm and energy that the participan­ts put into every training session which is organised and delivered by volunteers,” she stated.

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