Sligo Weekender

Hill farmers living in fear of walkers?


Dear sir,

Recent reports suggest that many farmers living in upland areas of the countrysid­e are afraid to visit their lands to check on stock at weekends.(Hill farmers living in fear due to threat from walkers: Farming Independen­t

June 18).

Their fear and distress comes in the form of walkers with dogs trespassin­g on their property without permission. Confrontat­ion then ensues with some dog owners who have resorted to violence in some cases when politely asked to leave their lands.

The farmer's stress levels are further increased when the dogs chase sheep and other livestock about the place causing further anxiety and fear among the terrified animals. A survey carried out by Irish Natura and Hill Farmers Associatio­n (INHFA) vice president Mr John Fitzgerald described “how the positives for farmers around this increased activity is very limited as they cope with concerns around sheep worrying from unruly dog owners”. It appears that increased aggression and threat of physical violence by some hill walkers is another concern upland farming has to contend with.

One land owner described how he was nearly shot on one occasion by an unruly gun toting person on his land shooting without permission.

Another said younger people on quad bikes are the worst as they cut the fences to encroach on the lands of the terrified hill farming communitie­s. Some farmers have been beaten with walking sticks in some instances. Something must be done to create much needed awareness around this intolerabl­e situation. While continuing to promote access to our hills, valleys, roads, trails and greenways is good for the population as a whole. At the same time this unruly element must be made fully aware of hill farmers rights.

Laws must be enacted and enforced immediatel­y to protect and bring peace of mind to these very hard-pressed rural dwellers, who must also contend with the passing of the Nature Restoratio­n Law at EU level, which will cause further anxiety and rising stress levels in the countrysid­e in the days and weeks ahead.

Yours faithfully,

Tom Towey, Cloonacool, Co Sligo

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