Sligo Weekender

Kenny: Shocking lack of radiation therapists for cancer patients living in west and north west

- By Matt Leslie

SLIGO-LEITRIM TD, Martin Kenny, has stated he is shocked at the lack of radiation therapists in the west for cancer patients.

Kenny was speaking after a briefing from the Irish Cancer Society which detailed the difficulti­es facing staff and patients in hospitals across Sligo county and the rest of Ireland.

One being the shortage of cancer care therapists across the west which Kenny raised with with Tánaiste Micheál Martin in the Dáil last week.

Speaking after the debate, Kenny said: “Some of the statistics I was presented with by the Irish Cancer Society were shocking to say the least.

“Between Dublin, Cork and Galway, there are six radiation machines sitting idle due to the chronic shortage of radiation therapists.

“Radiation therapists are currently understaff­ed by a third, if not more.

“As everyone across Sligo, Leitrim and Donegal will know, University Hospital Galway (UHG) carries out the cancer treatments for people right across the west.

“The Health Minister opened a new radiation machine in UHG to much fanfare, yet the HSE failed to hire the appropriat­e number of radiation therapists to staff the additional machine.

“This is having a very real impact on both patients and staff.

“I spoke to two radiation therapists during the briefing who detailed the very real impact these shortages are having on both patients and staff.

“In 2023, two out of five patients did not begin their radiation therapy on time.

“This is causing real worry for patients, and staff are emotionall­y and physically pushed to their limits.

“Before becoming Taoiseach, Simon Harris had agreed to provide additional space and funding to educate and employ more radiation therapists. Unfortunat­ely the announceme­nt is as far as this went.

“UHG already has a mammoth task in providing cancer care to such a large catchment area right across the all of Connacht and Donegal.

“(Last week) in the Dáil, the Tanáiste told me that a plan is in place to increase the number of therapists from 30 to 50.

“However he was unable to provide me with a timeline for when this would occur.

“We need clear timelines for these additional posts without any further delay.

“The very least this government should be doing is providing the appropriat­e staffing levels for those in need of radiation treatment.”

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