Irish Sunday Mirror


Sinn Fein chief warns over pact Stokingpub­lic anger ‘a mistake’


SINN Fein has warned the Greens that getting into bed with a Fianna Fail/fine Gael government will cause public outrage.

Mary Lou Mcdonald cautioned leader Eamon Ryan that doing business with those parties would be a “mistake”.

The Sinn Fein leader’s comments come amid ongoing efforts to form a government three weeks after the inconclusi­ve General Election result.

She also declined to be drawn on whether a coalition deal between her party and Fianna Fail would be more likely if Micheal Martin was not in charge – insisting questions about its leadership were “entirely a matter for themselves”.

Ms Mcdonald said: “One thing is very clear – people did vote for change and whatever way you might interpret that it certainly was not a vote to return a Fianna Fail/fine Gael government.”

She added that Sinn Fein had “constructi­ve” talks with Mr Ryan’s party during the week.

Asked about the Greens’ discussion­s with Fianna Fail, she said: “I have said publicly and privately to the Greens I think any move to put Fianna Fail and Fine Gael back together in government is a mistake. I think it would cause considerab­le disappoint­ment and indeed considerab­le anger amongst the public.

“Certainly for that more than 50% of people who voted for Sinn Fein, and others, with an eye to a new government and to what we would describe as a government of change.”

Ms Mcdonald was asked about a comment made from the floor at one of her party’s post-election rallies last week when someone described the Greens as “Fine Gael on bikes”.

The party chief acknowledg­ed the comment might not have gone down well with Green Party members, but insisted it was “light-hearted” and meant as a joke.

She added: “It was certainly not meant to be an insult to them.

“I think the person who made that comment was making it in mirth. Much as Fine Gaelers take offence at being described as ‘blue shirts’ but nine times out of 10 that is said as a light-hearted, almost throwaway, remark.

“But I accept that also might cause offence to some of them.

“We are called lots of things too and we have to take that on the chin equally.”

Sinn Fein, which held a meeting of the party’s ruling council in Dublin yesterday, is still trying to form a left-leaning government with likeminded parties and independen­t TDS in the Dail, but will struggle to reach the 80 seats required for a majority.

Fianna Fail, which like Sinn Fein currently has 37 parliament­ary seats, is also trying to form an administra­tion, and has held tentative discussion­s with Fine Gael, which has 35 seats. Fianna Fail and Fine Gael have repeatedly ruled out going into government with Sinn Fein.

The Green Party, which has 12 seats, has held talks with both Sinn Fein and Fianna Fail over the potential of entering government as a junior coalition partner.


People vote for change, not to return to a Fine Gael/ Fianna Fail government



 ??  ?? CAUTION Mary Lou Mcdonald in Dublin yesterday
SLUMP Leo Varadkar and Micheal Martin
CAUTION Mary Lou Mcdonald in Dublin yesterday SLUMP Leo Varadkar and Micheal Martin

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