Irish Sunday Mirror

Charles must fly back to get grip on whole family


ANDREW must be worried that more court papers will be released in the United States and he will have to keep his promise to co-operate with the police or any other investigat­ors.

I don’t see him being hauled off in handcuffs for trial in America. It’s more likely he will be interviewe­d here as a witness. But who knows? His royal career is finished.

The last seven days have been a PR disaster since his car crash Newsnight interview with Emily Maitlis.

The basic problem is that since the Queen’s private secretary Christophe­r Geidt was forced out in a power struggle in 2017, there has been a vacuum at the heart of the monarchy machine.

I don’t believe Geidt would ever have allowed the programme to go out and the Queen misses his wisdom. So what is the long-term damage to the House of Windsor and what should happen?

In 1992 after the royal divorces and a row over the cost of renovating fire-ravaged Windsor Castle, the family set up the Way Ahead Group, chaired by Prince Philip.

It led to the Queen paying tax and opening Buckingham Palace to the public to pay for the Windsor repairs.

But at 98 Philip is retired and at 93 the Queen doesn’t need the hassle.

The key figure is king-in-waiting Charles and he was consulted by the Queen last week before Andrew was told to go into early retirement.

Charles needs to come back from his New Zealand tour, get a grip on the whole family and tell them what needs to be done.

That should include Harry and Meghan who have caused problems with their unnecessar­y press war.

Andrew needs a long period out of the public eye, just concentrat­ing on Beatrice’s scaled down wedding next summer. If he has financial difficulti­es he should sell his chalet in Switzerlan­d – and doubtless his mother will bail him out if needs be.

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