Irish Independent

Milei slashes subsidies on energy as winter hits hard in Argentina


Electricit­y bills will soar this month for most Argentine households heading into a particular­ly harsh winter as President Javier Milei marches on with economic shock therapy.

For the first time since Mr Milei took office, low-income homes will see the cost of their utility bills double on average in June, while middle-class families could see prices rise 155pc.

While most Argentines only pay 5pc of the real cost of electricit­y, that figure will jump to a third for low-income households and nearly half for middle-class citizens, the energy secretaria­t said in a series of statements.

Sharply raising utility prices will test just how much of Mr Milei’s austerity Argentines are willing to endure.

The libertaria­n president continues to enjoy approval ratings above 50pc, far better than his predecesso­rs. Removing subsidies has long been considered a politicall­y costly move, however, and sparked an internal divide in the previous government, causing ministers to resign.

Mr Milei’s team, led by Economy Minister Luis Caputo, is working to unwind generous energy subsidies that last year cost Argentina the equivalent of 1.5pc of its gross domestic product. The government hopes to lower that number to about 0.8pc this year, according to a senior energy official.

The removal of subsidies has been riddled with stops and starts this year as the economic team balances the need to slow down inflation running at a nearly 300pc annual pace and balance Argentina’s notoriousl­y bloated budget.

At the same time, a cold spell hit the Buenos Aires area in May, and the government says this winter could be the coldest since 1980.

Some people’s energy bills could spike even higher after the government set a ceiling on electricit­y consumptio­n to qualify for subsidies.

While in May there was no limit to how much a poor household could consume while enjoying subsidies, in June their electric costs will jump to nearly the full price after they consume 350 kilowatt-hours per month – the amount the government estimates 70pc of those households spend on a monthly basis. The roof is set at 250 kilowatt-hours per month for middle-income earners, down from 400.

Businesses and high-income earners will also see hikes in their bills this month.

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