Irish Independent

Taoiseach condemns ‘chilling, disgusting’ masked protest outside O’Gorman’s home

Green minister thanks gardaí for their response


Taoiseach Simon Harris, Justice Minister Helen McEntee and Social Protection Minister Heather Humphreys have condemned a protest by a group of masked and hooded people at the home of Children’s and Integratio­n Minister Roderic O’Gorman.

Gardaí were called to the Green Party TD’s home in Dublin on Thursday evening after it was targeted by farright protesters who placed placards and banners on the gates and railings.

Messages printed and painted on the signs related to immigratio­n matters, including “South Dublin Says Close The Borders”, and one large banner placed on the gate read “Minister O’Gorman Hates Children”.

Video on far-right social media channels showed masked men outside the property and the banners.

Gardaí in Blanchards­town were notified shortly after 8pm following reports of a public gathering at the house and attended the scene. They maintained a presence until the group dispersed after a short time. No arrests were made.

“I want to thank local gardaí in Blanchards­town for their assistance yesterday,” Mr O’Gorman said in a statement.

“Ireland has a strong democratic tradition, where public representa­tives are accessible and accountabl­e to the public.

“We debate and sometimes disagree, but do so in a way that is fundamenta­lly respectful. I know that is valued by people across this country, and it is valued by politician­s too.

“Threats and intimidati­on towards publicly elected representa­tives and those seeking election will undermine those essential qualities of Irish democracy. If we were to lose those, we would lose something very dear and not easily recovered.”

Mr Harris described the sight of masked people outside Mr O’Gorman’s home – or the home of any person, whether a public or private individual – as “chilling, disturbing and, quite frankly, disgusting”.

He added that while he knows the difficulty in policing such situations, he will speak with gardaí about the incident.

Writing yesterday on X, Ms McEntee said Mr O’Gorman’s privacy and property had been “violated in a disgusting and shocking manner”.

“I’ve spoken to the Garda Commission­er. This cannot be tolerated,” she said.

Also commenting on X, Ms Humphreys said: “The targeting of Mr O’Gorman’s home in such a despicable manner represents an attack on democracy.

“The disgracefu­l actions of a small number of individual­s should be condemned by all.”

Green Party TD Neasa Hourigan was among those who wrote on social media that they could not understand why gardaí did not intervene.

“I’m at a loss as to how and why there was no interventi­on by gardaí here. Masked men gather to intimidate at someone’s private home?” she wrote.

Asked for comment yesterday, An Garda Síochána said it does not comment on named individual­s or the security arrangemen­ts of any individual or group.

Matters of security, including those that pertain to the safety and welfare of public representa­tives, are under continuous review, the force said.

“Disgracefu­l actions should be condemned by all” Heather Humphreys

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