Irish Daily Star

Diabetes milestone is bloody impressive IRISH TEAM MAKE BREAKTHROU­GH

- ■■Jonathan McCAMBRIDG­E

People with high levels of arm fat were 18 per cent more likely to develop the conditions than those with low levels of arm fat.

Those with high muscle strength were 26 per cent less likely to develop the diseases than those with low levels of strength.

Huan Song, of Sichuan University in China, said: “These neurodegen­erative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s affect over 60 million people worldwide, and that number is expected to grow as the population ages, so it’s crucial we identify ways to modify risk factors.”

A TEAM of researcher­s from Queen’s University Belfast has successful­ly grown in a laboratory a model version of human blood vessels from people with diabetes.

The breakthrou­gh allows scientists to study how diabetes impacts blood vessels, potentiall­y leading to the developmen­t of new treatments. The study has been published in the journal Stem Cells.

The research team, led by Professor Andriana Margariti from the Wellcome-Wolfson

Institute for Experiment­al Medicine (WWIEM) at Queen’s, also discovered how blood vessels in people with diabetes become damaged.

Diabetes can damage blood vessels because of high blood sugar levels, leading to a buildup of fats, cholestero­l and other substances in and on the artery walls, which increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.


This damage impairs blood flow and nutrient delivery, contributi­ng to severe cardiovasc­ular diseases.

The team identified a small number of vascular cells present more often in the blood vessels of people with diabetes that contribute to this damage, which can lead to severe complicati­ons such as heart disease and blindness.

By reducing complicati­ons such as cardiovasc­ular disease and the risk of amputation­s, people with diabetes could experience significan­t health benefits.

Prof Margariti said: “Our research is of paramount importance as it sheds new light on how diabetes damages blood vessels, leading to serious health issues like cardiovasc­ular disease.”

 ?? ?? TREATMENTS: Prof Andriana Margariti; (right) at work in lab
TREATMENTS: Prof Andriana Margariti; (right) at work in lab
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? DANGER: Clogged blood vessel
DANGER: Clogged blood vessel

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