Irish Daily Star



IN A DAZE: For some people they provide answers, ideas or reasons to jump out of their PJs in horror but why we dream is still something boffins have failed to figure out as it’s not clear cut.

Dreams help us consolidat­e memories and are most likely to take place during REM (rapid eye movement) when sleep brain activity increases).

Psychics often believe they are a way of lost loved ones communicat­ing from beyond the grave.

Dreams can help regulate emotions, replay situations to help ease stress or confusion yet some scientists also say there is no point to them at all.

TIME LAPSE: Our cells are not made to last forever and there are more than 300 theories on why we age.

It is all the rage to do anything to turn back time, from cryogenic freezing the dead to bringing them back to life in the future.

Plus, injecting the body with all sorts to remove wrinkles and diets promising to reverse damage as many chase the eternal elixir of youth.

However, since we don’t know for sure why we age, boffins haven’t found out a way to stop it. Yet.



Baby sea turtles breathe through their eggs before hatching, but once a nest is laid their mother abandons them and we don’t know why.

After using their egg tooth to crack their way out of the shell, the tiny hatchlings have to crawl across the sand into the ocean, avoiding predators, diving straight into the water and knowing how to swim, which is an impressive feat.

They will swim off into the wilderness and return back to where they were born to mate — with loggerhead turtles in particular using the Earth magnetic field as a guide.

But why they return to the same place isn’t quite determined.

SPACED OUT: Do aliens exist? Could we live on Mars?

Boffins have got their work cut out when it comes to space strategies because it’s thought 95 per cent of the universe is made up of dark matter and energy.

The problem is that boffins have not actually seen it because it is invisible and puts out no light or energy.

They are going on the assumption the planets, galaxies and stars wouldn’t make sense otherwise

DIG IN: Built before the inven tion of the wheel with stones not found anywhere nearby, how the pyramids in Egypt formed is some thing which has stumped histori ans as well as scientists.

Theories rage like they were put there by aliens and boffin Nikola Tesla believed they were giant en ergy transmitte­rs.

If so, we are still wondering why

 ?? ?? THEORIES: (from top) Dreams, battle against aging and Nikola Tesla
THEORIES: (from top) Dreams, battle against aging and Nikola Tesla

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