Irish Daily Mirror

Patten the back’s for my granda


ANNA PATTEN has dedicated her first senior internatio­nal goal to her late grandfathe­r, whose passing last year led her to push to declare for Ireland.

Patten represente­d England at underage level and played at two World Cups – for the under-17s and under-20s.

Her switch to the Girls in Green was confirmed earlier this year when she was called up for the start of the Euro 2025 qualificat­ion campaign.

And already the Aston Villa and former Arsenal star has establishe­d herself as a key part of Eileen Gleeson’s defence.

And on Tuesday night against France in Pairc Ui Chaoimh she scored her first goal in Irish colours when she headed home Megan Connolly’s 90th minute corner to wrap up a sensationa­l 3-1 win.

Patten said her mum was in the crowd on Tuesday and described her presence as “an amazing feeling.”

The 25-year-old added: “She just goes to me there, ‘I can’t stop laughing and crying, I don’t know what emotions to feel!’. That was really big having her here. Her name is Paula. Irish connection­s on her side – both my grandparen­ts were born in Ireland.

“My Grandad actually, he passed away last year and is a huge reason why I wanted to come and represent Ireland. That goal is dedicated to him. He’s my inspiratio­n.”

The win against France meant Ireland avoided a clean sweep of defeats in the toughest imaginable group – with Sweden and England also involved.

And it guaranteed the Girls in Green a place on the seeded side of tomorrow’s Euro 2025 play-off draw in Nyon – meaning they will avoid having to face a League A team en-route to Switzerlan­d.

Patten’s goal (inset) secured the win after Ireland raced into a two-goal lead, only to concede in the 79th minute.

“It relieved a bit of pressure so I’m glad that I could sneak that header in at the end and top off the win,” she said.

“It means so much, to be honest. Putting on the green jersey every game means a lot to me but to score that goal meant everything.”

As for the draw on Friday, Patten added: “I’ll be watching that very closely. Just so glad we’re seeded and I think we’re ready to meet anyone when we come up against them.”

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 ?? ?? GREAT RESULT Patten scores in a much needed win over the French
GREAT RESULT Patten scores in a much needed win over the French

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