Irish Daily Mirror

UK repeal of Legacy Act is widely welcomed


PARTIES from across the political spectrum have welcomed the recommitme­nt from the government to repeal the controvers­ial Legacy Act.

The Act, designed to address Northern Ireland’s past, has been almost universall­y opposed by parties and victims’ groups.

The current legislatio­n provides a limited form of immunity for perpetrato­rs of Troubles crimes in return for full cooperatio­n with the Independen­t Commission for Reconcilia­tion and Informatio­n Recovery.

It led to civil cases and inquests which were not at the findings stage being halted earlier this year.

Sinn Fein North Belfast MP John Finucane said: “I welcome the positive acknowledg­ement from the British government today that they will work to reset and strengthen relations with Dublin and Brussels that have been badly damaged by Brexit and 14 years of Tory rule.


“A key component of that will be working with our restored Assembly and Executive to seize the full benefits of access to the British and EU markets to grow the economy by helping our businesses and traders to expand.

“The British government has said it will now begin the process of repealing the Tories’ shameful Legacy Act, which has failed victims and survivors. This is a welcome commitment and we will engage with them on the full details of their approach in the days ahead.”

DUP leader Gavin Robinson said addressing the legacy of the past is “difficult and divisive”.

He added: “In a society where there is so much hurt, pain and grief, it is important that the hope of justice remains. This legislatio­n was fundamenta­lly flawed and morally repugnant because it extinguish­ed that hope for many innocent victims.


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