Irish Daily Mirror

Tanaiste’s trip to build african links

Martin looks at how ireland can support peace

- BY LOUISE BURNE Political Correspond­ent in Nairobi news@irishmirro­

Tanaiste Micheal Martin will travel to Kenya and ethiopia today to assess how ireland can contribute to “building peace and bolstering innovation and developmen­t” in the region.

Mr Martin will pay a four-day visit to the area, where he will also meet the Irish communitie­s living in the Horn of Africa.

He will meet Kenya’s President William Ruto in Nairobi this morning and students taking part in Young Scientist Kenya.

Mr Martin will later officiate at the regional launch of Ireland’s Horn of Africa

Child Wasting Programme, which covers Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia. Tomorrow he will take part in several trade, developmen­t and Irish community events before travelling to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia.

While there he will meet Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and several developmen­t partners. He will also host a reception to mark 30 years of Ireland’s diplomatic presence in the state.

Speaking ahead of the visit, Mr Martin said it was a “significan­t” trip which aimed to “strengthen Ireland’s economic,

political and developmen­t ties with two important African countries”.

He added: “It is important that Ireland and Europe continue to strengthen our engagement and links across Africa.

“Ireland’s Africa Strategy highlights our commitment to building political, trade, cultural and peopleto-people links across the continent. This visit is an important component of that ongoing work.

“Ireland has a proud legacy in the Horn of Africa and that continues through the work of the Irish Aid programme and our NGO partners operating in the region.

“While the impact of climate change and conflict is threatenin­g the lives and livelihood­s of many in the region, there are also critical opportunit­ies to build peace and bolster innovation and developmen­t.”

 ?? ?? MEETINGS Micheal Martin
MEETINGS Micheal Martin

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