Irish Daily Mirror

Pick your veg


Peas and beans are great for a balcony as they do all their growing vertically so they don’t take up masses of space.

A pot of rosemary and thyme will not only supply you with constant herbs on the balcony, but evergreen foliage too.

For those growing on a windowsill or indoors, lettuces, rocket, spinach and Swiss chard will all supply you with leafy greens for months on end.

Radishes are the easiest veg to grow, and are fast and reliable – however, they are not to everyone’s taste so don’t bother if you don’t like them. Salad leaves are great as they crop fast and are relatively expensive to buy, so they make economic sense.

Spring onions are easy to grow in a container, such as a window box, as are beetroot and baby carrots. If you want to grow herbs, try the easier ones to start with. Herbs such as mint, thyme and sage are extremely easy and can be bought as small plants.

Chives and parsley are great from seed. Basil is notoriousl­y difficult from seed, even for the experience­d gardener, so don’t lose heart if you want to try this but fail – the trick with basil is heat, and lots of it.

Seeds are now often sold in packets of pre spaced-out tapes. These seed tapes will save you trying to space out a packet of tiny seeds. Simply lay the tape where you want the veg, cover and go.

Investing in a good growing medium, regardless of the situation you grow your plant in, will always be worth it in the long run, allowing the plants to grow healthy without needing extra help.

 ??  ?? TRICKS Seed tapes and, right, herb plants
TRICKS Seed tapes and, right, herb plants

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