Irish Daily Mirror

Expected bar room fight was little slap


AMERICA was anticipati­ng a bloody bar room brawl when Donald Trump and Joe Biden finally showed up, but all they got was a debate.

Following their shameful first head- to- head full of interrupti­ons and insults, organisers installed a mute button on their mics. All it did however was amplify the two men’s huge difference­s.

Trump was much more restrained than before giving his best debate performanc­e. What he lacked in substance he made up for with swagger.

Unable to interject as before he instead made Charlie Chaplin’s silent movie expression­s look amateur as he performed dramatic head nods, eye- rolling, smirks and grimaces as Biden spoke. The

President though was unable to step away from making unsubstant­iated claims about his leadership or baseless attacks on Biden. Both were to his detriment.

As the night wore on Trump began to badger his opponent with aggression, casting Biden as a failed career politician saying he was “all talk and no action”.

But while he tried to mock or belittle his rival, the former Vice President remained focused in setting out his vision for the next four years with clear policies – an area in which Trump floundered.

By the end of the debate, it was unclear whether the head- to- head was enough to change the shape of the race.

Trump had desperatel­y needed to land a punch that could help him bridge what is now a double- digit gap in the polls, instead he simply gave Democrat Biden a slap.

 ??  ?? SMIRK Trump & wife Melania
SMIRK Trump & wife Melania
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