Irish Daily Mirror

Trump isolated & alone... that’s just how he wants it


AS leaders came together in Paris to commemorat­e the 100th anniversar­y of the end of World War I, one man who stood very much by himself.

Barely had Donald Trump entered French airspace when he broke from the political trenches to attack his host Emmanuel Macron.

He said: “President Macron has just suggested that Europe build its own military in order to protect itself from the US, China and Russia. Very insulting, but perhaps Europe should first pay its fair share of NATO, which the US subsidises greatly.”

His tone-deaf tweet showed his ignorance once more as he badly misread the French leader’s words.

Macron had urged Europe to build an army so as not to rely so heavily on America (as Trump demands) and to create EU wide cybersecur­ity defence.

What should have been a show of worldwide solidarity and a reaffirmat­ion of transatlan­tic alliances again tarnished America’s reputation.

But Trump wasn’t finished there. He decided not to visit the American cemetery at nearby Belleau Wood, where, in one of the most horrific battles, 1,800 of his countrymen died.

The White House blamed this on a terrible, but it turned out nonexisten­t, storm. Trump grimaced his way through lunches and dinners seemingly enraged he was neither valued nor the centre of attention.

Then he arrived at the Arc de Triomphe on Sunday in his mini-motorcade, separated from the other heads of state who marched, arm-in-arm up the Champs-elysées.

Only his pal, Vladimir Putin, arrived alone too.

It saw him missing from one of the weekend’s most powerful images – world leaders, walking shoulder-toshoulder in a sombre, rain-soaked procession as the bells marked the Great War’s armistice.

But his indignatio­n went off the scale as Marcon then lectured on the dangers of nationalis­t isolation.

The French President tweeted a photograph of himself and the German leader Angela Merkel, with a single word caption: “Unis” (United).

In Washington, the deluded President tweeted “much was accomplish­ed” before voicing a familiar complaint about America’s allies.

He said: “Macron suggests building its own army to protect Europe against the US, China and Russia. But it was Germany in World Wars One & Two. They were starting to learn German in Paris before the US came along.” Incredible.

Nearly two years after taking office, Trump has upended decades of foreign policy posture.

Leaders who have been urging a re-embrace of multinatio­nal organisati­ons and co-operation that have been shunned by Trump, delivered a barely-veiled criticism of his leadership.

The President, who ran on an “America First” platform, has jarred European allies with his actions.

He has pulled the US out of the landmark Paris Climate Accord, slapped tariffs on the EU and suggested he might be willing to pull America out of NATO if member counties don’t significan­tly boost their defence spending.

All this while launching verbal attacks on America’s allies as he toadies up to Putin despite Moscow’s meddling in the US election.

Trump has frequently branded himself a “nationalis­t,” as he repeatedly screams America First.

Increasing­ly, however, the rest of the world sees it as America Alone.

Trump has upended decades of American foreign policy

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