Irish Daily Mirror

Dolores is missed by so many


THE tragedy of Dolores O’riordan is not just the loss of a mother and daughter, it is the loss of one of Ireland’s greatest musical minds.

She brought joy to both the people of this country and a worldwide audience to whom her death brought a huge grief.

But the shock and sadness suffered by her family outweighs all that.

Dolores suffered greatly in her short life. Behind that musical talent lurked a horror of child sexual abuse and the regret she would never get back that innocence.

As the crippling thoughts of her old haunted her, she would drink excessivel­y.

It saw her suffer a sad bust-up on board a flight following the breakdown of her marriage.

The night of her death she was in a London hotel – suffering one of those moments.

It is often said creative people suffer more in circumstan­ces associated with grief and trauma – their brains hardwired to overanalys­e.

But, like everyone else, their vulnerabil­ity can lead to moments of self-destructio­n.

The tragedy that she will never return to her family remains with them every day.

If you are reading this and feeling lost, please reach out and seek help.

The precious gift of talent can only be displayed when you live and life is the greatest gift of all. life

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