Irish Daily Mirror

Trump’s double trouble

»President in turmoil as two former close aides convicted »‘He directed me to pay hush money’ to his alleged ex-lovers


AS two of Donald Trump’s former closest aides are convicted of serious crimes, the US is left wondering: is this the beginning of the end for the President?

In an extraordin­ary coincidenc­e, his former lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty on Tuesday – the same day Trump’s ex-campaign manager Paul Manafort was found guilty. The President’s inner circle fear it is now more likely than ever he will end up being impeached. Lawyers say they are gunning for him, with one warning: “We’ll end this presidency one way or another.” Another said that if Cohen’s actions are a crime “why wouldn’t they also be a crime for Trump?”

Cohen pleaded guilty to breaking campaign laws to pay hush money to two of Trump’s alleged ex-lovers – porn star Stormy Daniels and former Playboy playmate Karen Mcdougal. The lawyer shocked those in court by dropping the bombshell he did it “at the direction of [a] candidate”.

According to his lawyer, Cohen “testified under oath Donald Trump directed him to commit a crime”.

Cohen said he made the payments for the “principal purpose of influencin­g [the Presidenti­al] election”.

Both women, who claim they had

sex with Trump in 2006 while his wife Melania was at home tending to their newborn son, were paid off weeks before the 2016 election.

The President denies the allegation­s of the two women.

Cohen – who spent a decade as Trump’s fixer – said in court he worked “with and at the direction of the same candidate” to deliver a £100,000 payment to Ms Daniels to keep her claims of sex with Trump quiet before the nation voted.

Cohen, who also admitted seven other tax and fraud charges, made a plea deal with prosecutor­s.

He could have received up to 65 years in prison if found guilty of all charges. As part of his deal, he agreed not to challenge any sentence of between 46 and 63 months.

The guilty pleas could have implicatio­ns for Trump in the legal case launched against him by Ms Daniels.

Her lawyer Michael Avenatti said they paved the way for the President to be quizzed under oath about his alleged adulterous sex life. Mr Avenatti also issued an ominous warning, tweeting: “We. Are. Coming. We are going to end this dumpster fire of a presidency one way or another.”

There have also been questions about why Trump is not in the dock.

Lanny Davis, Cohen’s attorney, said: “If those payments were a crime for Michael Cohen, then why wouldn’t

they be a crime for Donald Trump?” He added that his client’s guilty plea drew on a letter Trump’s current attorneys sent to special counsel Robert Mueller admitting the President “directed” Cohen to make the Stormy Daniels hush-money payoff.

Mr Davis said: “The evidence was provided definitive­ly by Donald Trump’s lawyers...

“Trump committed a criminal act that corrupted our democracy.”

But Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani said: “There is no allegation of wrongdoing against the President in the government’s charges against Mr Cohen.”

Cohen appeared in court in New York while a jury was returning guilty verdicts on Manafort in a separate case 200 miles away in Virginia. Singer Cher was among those who tweeted her excitement about Manafort being found guilty. He faces a lengthy prison sentence.

Online jokes about Republican Trump’s troubles included a photo of Democrats Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama laughing alongside a caption referring to Trump’s election campaign vow to “drain the swamp” – a pledge to make politics honest.

The White House is now refocusing on the crucial midterm elections in three months. A Democrat victory would leave Trump vulnerable because the House of Representa­tives – one half of the US Congress – is where any legal effort to impeach a President begins.

Trump did not lambast Cohen at a campaign rally in West Virginia on Tuesday but his silence did not last long. He later tweeted: “If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen.”

He added that the “two counts of campaign finance violations [that Cohen admitted]... are not a crime”.

Manafort was found guilty on eight criminal counts including five of tax fraud. The charges largely pre-date his work on Trump’s presidenti­al campaign.

Jurors failed to reach a decision on 10 other charges, leaving the judge to declare a mis-trial on each count. Manafort, 69, faces another trial next month in Washington which also stems from Mueller’s probe into alleged Russian interferen­ce in the US election.

Trump said Manafort was the victim of a “witch hunt”, he added: “I feel very badly for Paul Manafort.” He said that “unlike Cohen”, Manafort “refused to ‘break’ – make up stories in order to get a ‘deal’. Such respect for a brave man”.

 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? PORN STAR Stormy Daniels alleges pair had sex
PORN STAR Stormy Daniels alleges pair had sex
 ??  ?? BUNNY GIRL Karen Mcdougal says she slept with him
BUNNY GIRL Karen Mcdougal says she slept with him
 ??  ?? LAWYER Michael Cohen broke campaign laws
LAWYER Michael Cohen broke campaign laws
 ??  ?? POLL CHIEF Paul Manafort has been found guilty
POLL CHIEF Paul Manafort has been found guilty
 ??  ?? OVERJOYED Singer Cher tweets about Manafort’s case
OVERJOYED Singer Cher tweets about Manafort’s case
 ??  ?? Trump speaks at rally in West Virginia before putting boot into Cohen in Tweet, below TALK TIME
Trump speaks at rally in West Virginia before putting boot into Cohen in Tweet, below TALK TIME
 ??  ?? GIGGLES Photo of Clinton & Obama online
GIGGLES Photo of Clinton & Obama online

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