Irish Daily Mirror


3 walkers saved from highest peak


HEROIC rescuers waded through waist-high snow to save hikers stranded on Ireland’s highest mountain.

One of three walkers who had become trapped on Macgillycu­ddy’s Reeks in Co Kerry had suffered a broken leg.

The man staggered in darkness on Carrauntoo­hil for four hours with two women before they were rescued in the early hours of yesterday.

Kerry Mountain Rescue PRO Alan Wallace said: “Late last night [Thursday] at 11.30pm we got a call-out to a climber that had fallen and broken his leg.

“He was a Polish man and there were two women with him, one Polish and one Irish.

“They were at a place near Howling Ridge and he had fallen from the ridge. It was pitch black, strong winds, hail, thunder and lightning later in the night and snow underfoot. We took the decision to send a team up to them with first aid, food and shelter.

“When our team met them with assistance the injured man was able to move.

“We met them just after 3am and they reached the Land Rovers at the bottom just after 7am.” Mr Wallace revealed it was the fourth search and rescue during Christmas week with seven people plucked to safety.

He added: “Mountains in Ireland are not particular­ly high in comparison with the Alps and there are well worn paths, so there is nothing technical about making it to the top.

“But if you come off the path or have a fall you are in trouble. Winter certainly exacerbate­s problems like poor visibility.”

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