Irish Daily Mirror

The name game

- Solutions in tomorrow’s Daily Mirror

Hidden in the grid is the name of a US TV show. Answer the questions, then rearrange the letters correspond­ing to your answers to fill in the name.

BOX1: What kind of woman is in the subtitle of Hardy’s novel Tess of the D’urberville­s?

A Pure Woman (S) A Fallen Woman (E) A Wronged Woman (M)

BOX2: In which country is Lake Pukaki located?

Australia (A) New Zealand (P) Thailand (I)

BOX3: What was the name of the ship in which Francis Drake circumnavi­gated the globe?

Ark (B)

Discovery (D)

The Golden Hind (O)

BOX4: Which Blackadder series covered the Regency period? Blackadder goes Forth (U) Blackadder II (N) Blackadder the Third (I)

BOX5: A clutch is a collection of what?

Handbags (F) Eggs (L) Squirrels (R)

BOX6: Who was the only female BBC Sports Personalit­y of the Year in the 1990s?

Paula Radcliffe (T) Fatima Whitbread (W) Liz Mccolgan (R)

BOX7: What did Josiah Wedgwood find fame in making?

Cheese (G) Pottery (I) Books (H)

BOX8: How many James Bond films were released during the lifetime of creator

Ian Fleming?

One (E) Two (G) Three (O)

BOX9: The US state name Oklahoma derives from the Choctaw words for what?

Red people (G) Forest home (Y) Cattle men (A)

BOX10: Eddie Redmayne (pictured) won a Golden Globe for his portrayal which famous individual?

Alan Turing (J) Joseph Turner (F) Stephen Hawking (S)

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