Irish Daily Mail

The World No 1 is finally kicked out and...

Smug Djokovic can only blame himself for this ghastly, ruinous drama


OUTSIDE the Federal Court, the supporters of Novak Djokovic fell strangely silent. There was no riot, no civil disorder, no disturbanc­e of the peace. Nothing, really, that would support the government claim that here was a man capable of fomenting revolution among the unvaccinat­ed masses. Partly, this was because of the way Chief Justice James Allsop made the unanimous decision known.

He read his deportatio­n statement in cold measured tones, nothing in his voice suggesting a victory for either side. It needed a legal mind to actually calculate, in real time, which side had won. So some of the silence may have been simple confusion.

Later, Allsop would steer counsel from making a decision ‘on the fly’, a colloquial­ism readily understand­able to all. If only he had given the verdict in such layman’s terms. Appeared on screen and simply shouted: ‘He’s outta here!’ and pointed in the direction of Tullamarin­e Airport, like a baseball umpire. At least everyone would know where they stood.

Instead, once the bemused crowd — such as it was, the numbers did not really justify Djokovic’s perceived influence over Australian society, beyond Serbian expats — had realised their hero had lost, they remained subdued. Maybe the fury will come later, maybe overnight when the tournament begins in earnest without him. For now, there seemed only sadness at the realisatio­n that even the greatest tennis player in the world was just a little guy in the eyes of the state and, like any Joe Schmo, could not fight City Hall.

Djokovic has been accused of behaving as he pleased in recent days but in Immigratio­n Minister Alex Hawke he met an opponent who pretty much enjoys that privilege.

The task for Djokovic’s legal team was always immense given the power at Hawke’s command. They had to prove the minister’s thinking was irrational, unhinged, that he was found surrounded by empty whisky bottles at the end of the decision-making process, or was motivated by an irrational grudge against Slavs. And they had a fair go. Djokovic’s counsel, Nick Wood, spoke at length about the flaws in the minister’s rationale and, at times, made a strong case.

After all, the divisions Djokovic would expose by staying were hardly likely to be healed by his expulsion. If anything, they could be made worse. Ultimately, though, Allsop and his colleagues Justice Anthony Besanko and Justice David O’Callaghan kept the parameter tight. Was the minister literally chewing the furniture when he came to this conclusion? No? Then he’s outta here.

Given Djokovic’s opposition to what an overwhelmi­ng majority regard as scientific reason — that vaccines make hugely valuable contributi­ons to the health of society, and have been largely successful in protecting the wider population from the worst effects of Covid — it was no little irony that much of yesterday’s argument centred on what counsel identified as the ‘counter-factual’. This was the accusation that the government acted unreasonab­ly by focusing on potential disorder if Djokovic stayed, without considerin­g the effect if he was deported. It was perverse that they saw Djokovic as an anti-vax icon only if he remained.

Yet the counter-argument to the counter-factual won the day. Of course the government knew this. They just didn’t think it was any good reason to keep him here. If Djokovic was going to be a pest either way, let him be a pest from outside Australia’s borders, they argued. It seemed a fair point.

FOR ultimately, this is not about one man, even if he is extraordin­arily good at tennis, even if he is entitled to his view, even if he has been treated miserably and this could all have been prevented with more clarity earlier. Tackling pandemics is not about the rights of individual­s, but a shared common goal.

It needs everybody — or most of us — on board and heading in the same direction. Pro-vaccine, understand­ing of lockdowns, willing to make a collective sacrifice for the common good. High-profile dissenters, whether a fabulous, successful athlete, or attendees of a clandestin­e work event that looks suspicious­ly like a jolly-up, erode faith and the collective effort. Australia identified Djokovic as a standard-bearer, an appealing figure to rally around.

If he eschewed the vaccine as one of the greatest athletes on the planet, if he wiped the floor with all those other, vaccinated tennis players, what message would that send? It was never discussed but it was almost that Djokovic’s ability counted against him.

The world No 147 could stand on the corner protesting about vaccines with homemade placards and, frankly, who would care? Yet the world No1? A man who could have left Melbourne with his 21st Grand Slam title, and the accolade of the greatest of all time? He is dangerous.

So it is possible to have sympathy for Djokovic in that instance, and yet also believe this has been a ghastly, ruinous drama of his own creation. Not because he should get vaccinated. That is still his call. Yet he knew Australia’s rules, Australia’s predicamen­t, and he chose to come anyway.

Worse, he seemed smug about it, almost gloating that he was on his way, knowing his stance was contrary to the compliance of the nation. He could have taken a year out and returned in 2023 when, perhaps, the current crisis will have eased. He could have made his intentions clear further out.

Instead he arrived in circumstan­ces that as good as ensured maximum publicity, maximum disturbanc­e. He almost demanded to be a cause celebre. And that was how he was treated yesterday. As a person of influence, a person who might undermine the unified will of a nation, a person who has knowingly placed himself at the centre of Australian society at a time of great emergency and must as a result face the consequenc­es.

‘I am uncomforta­ble that the focus of the past weeks has been on me,’ said Djokovic in a gracious statement, that was probably

the first attempt to build bridges given that deportatio­n is a three-year sentence, making him 37 before he can play his favourite Slam again.

Yet what did he expect? This narrative had been building all year, the tension as Djokovic continued to play coy with his vaccinatio­n status and intentions had been growing. He has some unconventi­onal beliefs but is not unintellig­ent.

He will have known the furore that would greet him in Australia, even if the full force of a government playing to the gallery in election year may have come as a surprise. It could certainly be argued that Australia’s inconsiste­nt reaction — come in, now go home — has made Djokovic a bigger player in the Covid wars than he would ever have been.

After all, it is not as if the many other tournament­s he has played over the last year have become hotbeds of anti-vax insurrecti­on.

Yet look at the message boards, look below the line on any Djokovic story and it is clear he is a rallying point. The reason Steve James, the NHS consultant anaestheti­st, who challenged Health Secretary Sajid Javid over compulsory vaccines last week, was seized upon so hungrily is the anti-vax movement does not have many credible champions. Usually, it is Piers Corbyn or Nicki Minaj and her cousin’s friend’s swollen balls taking to the stage with the latest bulletins from misinforma­tion central, but Djokovic is fit, brilliant and at the absolute pinnacle of athletic excellence.

He is their man, their trump card, demolishin­g the field in Melbourne, demolishin­g the government in the court of law. Or so it was hoped.

On the corner of William Street, the small group of Serbian exiles forlornly chanted the name of their hero, but in vain. Soon he would be gone and today, tennis moves on without him.

Given the intransige­nce on all sides, who knows whether he will pass this way again.

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 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Leaving on a jet plane: Djokovic’s flight to Dubai
GETTY IMAGES Leaving on a jet plane: Djokovic’s flight to Dubai
 ?? REUTERS ?? End of the line: Djokovic, with coach Goran Ivanisevic, is escorted to his flight at Tullamarin­e Airport in Melbourne
REUTERS End of the line: Djokovic, with coach Goran Ivanisevic, is escorted to his flight at Tullamarin­e Airport in Melbourne

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