Irish Daily Mail

German poll winner in Brexit jibe over truckers

He says shortage is Britain’s own fault – as he promises coalition by Christmas

- By James Franey

GERMANY’S would-be new leader has wasted no time in taking a swipe at the UK.

Social Democrat candidate Olaf Scholz, whose SPD party emerged with a narrow election victory on Sunday, last night blamed Brexit for the current lorry driver crisis.

Asked if he would send German drivers to help Britain, the 63-year-old former socialist activist said: ‘We worked very hard to convince the British not to leave the union.

‘They decided different and I hope they will manage the problems coming from that.’ Mr Scholz said he wanted to form a government as quickly as possible with the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) and the Greens, and set a target of Christmas

to strike a power-sharing deal. The SPD picked up nearly 26% of ballots cast, leading to 206 seats, to the 24.5% gained by Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) in their worst election performanc­e in 72 years.

Mr Scholz’s party needs 162 more seats to take power, with a 368-seat majority needed to lead the 735-seat Bundestag, and the closely run race has left the FDP and the Greens as the likely kingmakers.

Both parties ‘won a considerab­le increase in votes’, Mr Scholz said. ‘This is why we will be trying to enter into coalitions with these parties.

‘My idea is that we will be very fast in getting a result for this government, and it should be before Christmas if possible. Germany always has coalition government­s, and it was always stable.’

FDP leader Christian Linder said he wanted to ‘launch sounding-out talks with the Greens’ to ‘try and find common ground’.

But sealing an agreement for a socalled traffic light coalition could prove a challenge. The three parties have radically different views on several key issues. Mrs Merkel

‘Olaf Scholz is not the king’

stepped down at the election but will stay on as caretaker chancellor until a new government has officially been formed.

The CDU’s candidate to replace her, Armin Laschet, was last night still refusing to concede. ‘Olaf Scholz is not the king,’ he reportedly told aides, according to German newspaper, Bild. ‘No party has emerged from this election with a clear mandate to form a government,’ he said as he too looked for ‘explorator­y talks’ with the FDP and Greens.

Mr Laschet acknowledg­ed he had a ‘personal share’ of responsibi­lity for his party’s dire showing at the polls but said he could still govern.

‘We are convinced that a government led by the CDU/CSU is the best thing for our country,’ he added.

Markus Soeder, the leader of the CDU’s sister party, the Bavarian Christian Social Union, piled the pressure on Mr Laschet’s gaffestrew­n campaign by hinting he should stand aside.

He said a second-placed party had ‘no entitlemen­t’ to form a government ‘so we can only make an offer’.

The CDU, which picked up more than a third of votes in 2017, fared so badly that Mrs Merkel’s former constituen­cy went to the Social Democrats. SPD victor Anna Kassautzki, 27, was not born when Mrs Merkel first won the northern seat of Rugen and Greifswald in 1990.

French Europe minister Clement Beaune, one of Emmanuel Macron’s most trusted aides, urged a ‘swift’ resolution to the political deadlock, adding that France wanted ‘a strong German government in place.’

‘The talks between German political parties and us should start right now so that we get to know one another,’ he said.

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