Irish Daily Mail

Taoiseach: We’ll put CO2 monitors in every classroom

- By Louise Burne and Lisa O’Donnell

THE Taoiseach has said that the Government is closely watching all emerging technologi­es amid fears that another wave of Covid-19 is on the way this winter.

Micheál Martin, pictured, also confirmed CO2 monitors will be placed in all classrooms ahead of the new school year to ensure classes don’t get too stuffy. He said the Government has done ‘a lot of important work’ on ventilatio­n.

‘CO2 monitors are being put in every classroom now but we may need to do more,’ he said. ‘A working group met in relation to schools and recommende­d CO2 monitors in classrooms, and then gave advice in terms of opening windows and so on.’

However, the Department of Education clarified to the Irish Daily Mail yesterday that while every classroom will have a CO2 monitor, the number of devices provided to each school will depend on its size.

A spokespers­on said: ‘The department is procuring a number of portable monitors which will be distribute­d to schools in August and September – between two and 20 at primary level and between 20 and 35 at postprimar­y level, depending on school size.

‘This will ensure that a CO2 monitor will be available for use in every classroom in Ireland.’

Mr Martin added: ‘We have to look at the new technologi­es .... I do believe that as we come through this phase of Covid, there could be a winter phase of Covid. We’re very conscious of that. CO2 measuremen­ts can be used to identify poorly ventilated multioccup­ancy spaces.’

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