Irish Daily Mail

Why I’m glued to a not very PC Polish sexathon

- Amanda Platell

WE women all have our guilty lockdown secrets. Some have fibbed about sneaking out to have a hair cut, others about when the cleaner first came back, still more about spiriting in a lover under the cover of night.

The one secret I’m prepared to own up to is that I have been seduced by the new Polish erotic romantic movie 365 Days. It has terrible, mumbled dialogue, a ludicrous plot and is the least PC film you can imagine.

It’s been derided by Variety magazine as a ‘thoroughly terrible, politicall­y objectiona­ble, occasional­ly hilarious Polish humpathon’. And the steamy action makes Fifty Shades look like a PG film.

Yet it has become the most watched Netflix movie across the world, and millions of women like me have been glued to it in lockdown.

The plot is about an impossibly wealthy Sicilian Mafia boss who falls completely in love at first sight with a woman he sees at an airport. He tracks her down, abducts her and vows he will release her if, after 365 days, he has not been able to make her love him.

Absurd, I know. Outrageous and problemati­c, too, in that it glamorises a coercive and clearly abusive relationsh­ip. I’m not the slightest surprised feminist groups are up in arms. And yet, why are so many women watching 365 Days if it is so offensive? Perhaps they enjoy the fantasy of being totally loved, the object of unashamed desire.

After all, that’s a theme that runs through the great canon of romantic fiction, whether it’s Jane Austen, Trollope or Tolstoy.

Or is it simply that it’s full of shopping – our heroine has six bodyguards carrying her designer purchases – private jets, glamorous locations and, yes, sex?

The X-rated side of it is so over-the-top it’s comical – although I would not watch it with a teenage child and I believe the flood of pornograph­y on the internet is doing terrible damage to our children.

Maybe it was just the escapist nonsense I needed after the monotony of weeks in lockdown dreaming of swapping my leggings for La Perla. Whatever the case, I see no harm in it... we’re all allowed our guilty little secrets.

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