Irish Daily Mail

Car pollution may be fuelling premature hair loss for men

- By Colin Fernandez

AIR pollution produced by cars and lorries could be making men go bald, a study suggests.

Fine sooty ‘particulat­es’ pumped out by vehicles are believed to destroy a protein that fuels hair growth.

In experiment­s, the particulat­es reduced levels of betacateni­n – which triggers skin cells to grow into hair. Three other proteins responsibl­e for hair growth and retention were also reduced.

Study leader Dr Hyuk Chul Kwon said: ‘The results suggest particulat­e matter may cause hair loss.’ Male pattern baldness is hereditary but environmen­tal factors are thought to make it worse.

Baldness affects two-thirds of all men at some stage in their lives.

The findings may shed light on rising rates of hair loss among younger men and could lead to a preventati­ve cream. Dr Kwon said: ‘The link between air pollution and serious diseases such as cancer, chronic obstructiv­e pulmonary disease and cardiovasc­ular disease are wellestabl­ished. But there is little to no research on the effect of particulat­e matter exposure on the human skin – and hair in particular.’

His team took human scalp cells – ‘dermal papillae’ – and exposed them to various concentrat­ions of particulat­es. It is known these chemicals, deposited into the atmosphere by transport and industry, increase the risk of illness. Dr Kwon said: ‘Our research explains the mode of action of air pollutants on... dermal papilla cells, showing how the most common air pollutants lead to hair loss’.

Dermal papilla cells tell surroundin­g cells to generate hair follicles. Sources of particulat­e matter include the burning of fossil fuels such as petrol, diesel, coal, oil and ‘biomass’ – plant and animal material. Others are industrial activities such as building, mining and manufactur­ing cement.

Dr Kwon, of the Future Science Research Centre in South Korea, added: ‘Ambient particulat­e matter represents an environmen­tal threat to which millions of humans worldwide are exposed. The adverse effects on human health are currently a serious concern.’

The human head comes equipped with 100,000 hair follicles, from each of which grows a single hair. Hair loss can begin in the teens, and by the age of 35 almost four in ten men and women show some degree.

Recent research in China, the world’s most polluted country, found men in their 20s are going bald sooner than any generation before – while an increasing number of millennial­s in the US are experienci­ng hair loss.

The latest study was presented at the European Academy of Dermatolog­y and Venereolog­y Congress in Madrid.

Human scalp cells

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