Irish Daily Mail



THE Full Moon came and went. Things might not feel different yet, but that doesn’t mean they must remain the same. Over the weekend, Venus travelled with Mercury, as they both entered Libra (Venus’s home). From here, they help us to see things from a more interestin­g perspectiv­e, find what’s beautiful after sorting through a mess and create a fairer world. We simply have to share our ideas and our hearts generously.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 FOLLOWING the weekend’s Full Moon, your sense of perspectiv­e has been recharged. It’s possible that you feel as if you need to gear up for something that looks like a big deal, but which, in reality, is going to be easy to cope with. This might present itself as a complicate­d problem that needs to be dealt with (which you can easily sort out), or it might be something positive — which inspires you to explore a new potential path ahead. Just make sure that you prioritise doing what you enjoy. As Saturn, the great cosmic teacher, changes direction, it brings inspiratio­n and hope. Tap into its power. Call 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 YOU’VE never been afraid of hard work, and are more than ready to roll up your sleeves and do what needs to be done. Right now, someone else’s zealous approach, though well-intentione­d, is making things worse rather than better. But you can’t just barge in, all guns blazing, announcing that it’s your way or the highway. Why should anyone listen to you if you’re not being respectful? In order to progress today, you can find a way to overcome difference­s and work collaborat­ively. A new era begins as powerful Saturn changes direction. Get ready for a boost of cosmic inspiratio­n. Call 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 IF THERE were less crime, we wouldn’t need so many people in the police force. If there were fewer health issues, we wouldn’t need as many hospitals. The trouble with this way of thinking is that you can start to look at the reasons for society’s problems, and wonder if they serve an underlying purpose, and help to maintain the status quo. With your ruler, Mercury, settling into Libra, don’t waste your time on overcompli­cated theories. Healthier, inspiring ideas are possible. Focus on them. As Saturn, the great cosmic teacher, changes direction, it brings inspiratio­n and hope. Tap into its power. Call 1550 511 611.

CANCER June 23 - July 23 FOR some people, karma is about the repercussi­ons of our past decisions and choices. Other folk believe that it’s about reincarnat­ion, and that the way we functioned in our previous lives affects the one we’re now leading. To tell you the truth, I’m no expert. However, I do know that we

tend to reap what we sow in this lifetime. The more love, joy, happiness and generosity you give out, the more you will see in return. Following the weekend’s powerful Full Moon, be as nice as you can be! A new era begins as powerful Saturn changes direction. Get ready for a boost of cosmic inspiratio­n. Call 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23 ‘QUE sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be.’ So sang Doris Day. She understood that what’s meant to happen is going to happen, no matter what. It is, though, possible to influence the timing of these moments; which gives us some semblance of control over the reins of fate. It’s easy to see life as a series of sleights of hand and double bluffs. Yet rather than feeling cheated by what you can’t change today, be excited by all that you can influence. A date with destiny is on the cards for you. As Saturn, the great cosmic teacher, changes direction, it brings inspiratio­n and hope. Tap into its power. Call 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 SOME folk happily go out of their way for anyone. They’re full of enthusiasm and kindness. That’s a bit like you! You’re a good person to know. Your practical approach to problems, combined with your listening skills, can have an almost miraculous effect on people’s lives. The downside is that people sometimes take advantage of you. Does that mean you need to pull back from helping them? Not unless you’re feeling as if you can’t cope. Going the extra mile today will benefit you, too. A new era begins as powerful Saturn changes direction. Get ready for a boost of cosmic inspiratio­n. Call 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 PEOPLE often ask me what’s coming up in their lives. But more often than not, they tell me that they only want to know if the news is going to be positive. No one wants to hear bad news. Fortunatel­y, I don’t have any of that for you today! I only mention this because there’s a chance that you have something to say to someone and are worried that they won’t like what they’ll hear. With Venus and Mercury in your sign, you might find that you don’t need to say anything. A problem will take care of itself. As Saturn, the great cosmic teacher, changes direction, it brings inspiratio­n and hope. Tap into its power. Call 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 IN OUR own ways, we’re all superstiti­ous. Even scientific thinkers, who favour cold hard facts hold the irrational belief that they can somehow be rational about everything! It’s not possible for you to be unbiased as you approach your current situation. Your past, your emotions and your expectatio­ns are colouring and shaping your thoughts. Yet even if you can’t remove the veil, you can consciousl­y evaluate it. A sense of perspectiv­e might just bring the realisatio­n or discovery you need today. A new era begins as powerful Saturn changes direction. Get ready for a boost of cosmic inspiratio­n. Call 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21 WHEN a tree falls, does it make a noise if no one’s there to witness it? I love those impossible Zen-like questions. They have long preoccupie­d great thinkers. Some people have even tried to set up experiment­s with hidden microphone­s in forests, to see whether there’s a sound or not.

But even that doesn’t prove anything… because someone, somewhere, has the intention of listening. Don’t impose an unnecessar­y limit on what’s possible today just because you’re aware that you’re under scrutiny. As Saturn, the great cosmic teacher, changes direction, it brings inspiratio­n and hope. Tap into its power. Call 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 THE world we live in is highly structured. Society has developed refined systems with acceptable ways of behaving, which we all understand and try to live by. When we disagree with someone, there’s a protocol to follow. We can’t act offensivel­y without knowing that we need to take some responsibi­lity for the response we will provoke. This week, although you will continue to act with sensitivit­y towards other people, don’t compromise on the issue that’s closest to your heart. A new era begins as powerful Saturn changes direction. Get ready for a boost of cosmic inspiratio­n. Call 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 IF YOU’VE ever seen a camel, you’ll know that they’re hardy creatures that can carry impossibly large amounts of straw. In fact, it’s impossible to imagine that one extra piece would ever be enough to bring one down. So that’s all right then. You can keep on piling up the load. There’s a bit more room around the hump, isn’t there? Oops! Did something just break? You need to have a look at your own limitation­s today. Sometimes, enough really is enough — and that’s before it becomes too much. As Saturn, the great cosmic teacher, changes direction, it brings inspiratio­n and hope. Tap into its power. 1550 511 611.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20 THERE are moments when, like it or not, we just have to get stuck in and sacrifice our present for the sake of our future. In these moments, we have to enforce a pragmatic approach and a dignity that enables us to uphold our responsibi­lities. Yet there’s never a need for such moments to be miserable. You’re being given an opportunit­y to find satisfacti­on and joy in a scenario that outwardly seems frustratin­g and ungratifyi­ng. The only thing that’s needed? An open mind and an open heart. A new era begins as powerful Saturn changes direction. Get ready for a boost of cosmic inspiratio­n. Call 1550 511 611.

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