Irish Daily Mail

Creamy pork and mushroom stroganoff with courgette ribbons


GIANCARLO recalls creamy stroganoff with gherkins served in restaurant­s here when he came here to work as a waiter. Now we eat it with courgette ribbons. SERVES 4 Per serving of stroganoff: Calories, 320; carbohydra­tes, 7.6g; protein, 31g; fat, 16g; fibre, 1.2g Per serving of courgette ribbons: Calories, 117; carbohydra­tes, 3.6g; protein, 3.7g; fat, 8.8g; fibre, 4g 250g mushrooms, sliced 1 white onion, finely chopped 2 cloves of garlic, crushed Salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil A knob of butter 500g pork tenderloin 2 tsp unsmoked paprika 100ml white wine 200ml sour cream 2 tsp Dijon mustard 1 tbsp lemon juice 65g gherkins, chopped 2 tbsp parsley, chopped


4 medium courgettes, cut into thin strips 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil Salt and freshly ground black pepper

A knob of butter FRY the mushrooms, onion and garlic with seasoning in the oil and half the butter over a medium heat for 7-10 minutes, or until the water has evaporated and the onion has softened. Put the pork in a bowl with paprika and seasoning. Toss through to coat it, then add it to the pan and stir. Fry for a few minutes then add the wine. Let it reduce for 5 minutes, then add the sour cream, remaining butter, mustard, lemon juice and gherkins. Adjust seasoning and serve when the pork is cooked through. Meanwhile, toss the courgette with oil and season, then spread on a tray in curls. Bake at 220c/ gas mark 7 until cooked. Serve with butter and stroganoff on the side. Top with parsley.

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