Irish Daily Mail

Eithne O’Farrell

I lost 5st


Starting Weight – 17st 6.5lbs Total weight loss – 5st 0.5lbs Current weight – 12st 6lbs Class Leader – Deirdre Hayes McCann Class —Kilorglin, Co. Kerry

FABULOUS Eithne O’Farrell has lost 5st and is enjoying her life to the full. She says: ‘I have always struggled with my weight. This peaked 15 years ago when I gained 6st in six months. Like many people, I made many attempts to address this, with varying levels of success, but always ended up back where I started or worse.

‘I joined Unislim in January 2015. I had success and gains and my weight fluctuated for the next 22 months. But in October 2016, a Unislimmer of The Year Finalist, Paul O’Mahony, visited our class and shared his story and that was my light bulb moment. I was sitting in a room full of people but it felt like he was talking directly to me.

‘We shared similar histories and our experience­s with weight issues were so alike, it really resonated with me. From that night on I knew I was going to do it. I reached my goal for Christmas 2017, and it was the best present ever!

‘I’m now living my life fully and I have balance. I’m never hungry and eat such a broad range of foods. Learning to cook varied meals and my weekend batch-cooking sessions were a huge part of the road to my goal and continue to be part of my life.

‘Understand­ing how to eat well has had a huge knock-on effect on all aspects of my life — especially my confidence and appetite for life.

‘Since losing my weight so much has changed — it was the catalyst — where I live, my job, the people around me. Unislim is a part of my life and my anchor, no matter where I am. I love eating out, nights out and am always on the move and running around.

‘I’m a huge music lover. You will generally find me at a gig, or planning my next adventure. I have gained a whole new life.

‘I often say that before Unislim, my life was black and white, but now it’s technicolo­ur.’

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