Irish Daily Mail

Soul Guide



Dear Linda, I am in a relationsh­ip for the past two years, and while I care deeply about my partner she is extremely jealous of any other female I mention. She flies into a jealous rage full of accusation­s. I feel if it doesn’t stop it will destroy our relationsh­ip. I have a lot of female friends and work colleagues and feel I should be able to mention them in a mature manner without her unacceptab­le reactions. My partner is attractive, intelligen­t, has a good career, ambitious and compassion­ate among so many other qualities, however, this jealousy is driving me away. I know before we got together she had been in several other relationsh­ips and couldn’t understand how such a great person hadn’t settled down, but most of the relationsh­ips seemed to have failed over similar circumstan­ces. Thanks P.


The reason your partner has never settled down is very obvious, even to you. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. This certainly seem to be the case with your partner. It’s time to sit her down and explain that some adjustment­s are required on her part, in response to the situation. Asking her to take a deep hard look at her responses may nip this problem in the bud and save your relationsh­ip. Getting her to make an honest assessment of her reactions and the consequenc­es may well be the wake-up call she needs before destroying one more relationsh­ip. Also remember, people only treat us the way we allow them to.


In this situation you need to act upon your conviction­s, even if others disagree. The angels are protecting you from harm, and guiding you to be a loving warrior of light. As you stand up for your beliefs, you’re a role model to others. This is an important form of spiritual teaching in which your example gives others courage. ‘Be courageous, and stand up for your beliefs’.


‘You’re more powerful than you realise. It’s safe for you to be powerful.’ This card confirms that your inner power wants to surface. You’ll use this power appropriat­ely, and you’re incapable of abusing it. Your true friends and the people who really love you will be happy you’ve taken your power back. Empowermen­t means you’re no longer willing to see yourself as a victim, letting go of all blame with respect to other people, past conditions or present circumstan­ces. Know that you can be powerful and gentle simultaneo­usly — and still be very effective. Affirm frequently: ‘It’s safe for me to be powerful! I accept my God-given power to be used in the service of light and love.’ Instead of worrying what others think, use your power to make the world a better place. You may never feel self-conscious again!


You are far wiser than you realise, and your inner wisdom has already given you the answers you seek. Embrace this knowledge, and trust it. If you’re doubtful ask the angels to give you clear signs to validate your thoughts and ideas. They can help you put your ideas into action and make decisions. Just ask and be willing to work with them.

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