Irish Daily Mail



TOMORROW we benefit from a rare, harmonious JupiterNep­tune angle. It’s the second in a series of three ‘trines’ that help set the stage for 2018’s main astrologic­al show. This middle act sees a return to themes that first surfaced in December, and brings a lesson which will need work before it can be assimilate­d. But, as Jupiter represents optimism and Neptune rules our dreams, whatever we learn now will help us to explore sensitivel­y the next step of a wonderful adventure. ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

WE OFTEN fail to see failure for what it really is: something that happens when we stop striving towards success. As long as we can maintain a sense of hope and a level of determinat­ion, there’s always a possibilit­y that a situation can be transforme­d and improved. The trick, when you realise that you’re running short of stamina or enthusiasm, is to take some time out. Give yourself a moment to remember what motivated you in the first place. Then you’ll find the energy to overcome any niggling problems. Confused? There’s a very special message for you. In four minutes get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

AS CHILDREN, we’re taught that pride comes before a fall and that, in order to be popular, we need to be modest. But we don’t make real friends by feigning modesty. Good relationsh­ips are built on shared respect and mutual appreciati­on. You need to feel confident about who you are as well as feel good about the people in your life. Let the influence of Jupiter, opposite your sign, and Neptune inspire you to take other people’s desires into account. You’ll be able to explore your own needs, too. Uncertain? There’s a very special message for you. In four minutes get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

THE journey you’re on is far from complete. You’ve got momentum, so even if you feel uncertain about where you’re heading, there’s no point in trying to turn back. You can’t step into what ‘has been’. You can relax, though, and trust that the cosmos has your best interests at heart. All roads have bumps, curves, highs and lows. You’re bound to run out of energy sometimes. But when you’re heading towards a destinatio­n that holds so much potential you just need to dig in and keep going. Anxious? There’s a very special message for you. In four minutes get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

GROWING pains only happen to children and teenagers. They can add inches to their height over an astonishin­gly short amount of time. Adults, though, shouldn’t grow this quickly, because their inches are going to add to their width rather than their height! But knowledge can always grow fast. We should always be able to take new

LEO July 24 — Aug 23 VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

informatio­n on board and adapt our plans accordingl­y. You’ve gained valuable insight which is helping you to see a relationsh­ip in a beneficial new light. Worried? There’s a very special message for you. In four minutes get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611. IT’S PERFECTLY fine to laugh at your own problems, but it’s not all right to laugh at someone else’s trials and tribulatio­ns. Indeed, you need to show someone your most empathic qualities today. But just because your sympatheti­c skills are being called for doesn’t mean that you should lose sight of your cheerful, fun side. Just because someone thinks that the situation requires solemnity doesn’t mean that you should abandon your sense of humour. A light touch of sensitivit­y will work wonders. Confused? There’s a very special message for you. In four minutes get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611. LOTS of people know exactly how and when to do the right thing. The problem is that they often tell us what needs doing, while doing the very opposite. ‘Do what I say, not what I do’ is a maxim which works very well for many folk for a long time because instead of seeing what’s really going on, we focus on the explanatio­n. As long as it fits with our model of what’s reasonable, we don’t question the inappropri­ate behaviour. Today, you need to do what you need to do, no matter what anyone else says. Uncertain? There’s a very special message for you. In four minutes get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

FROM endless supplies of porridge, to untold treasures hidden in caves, the bedtime stories I read to my son are filled with tales of abundance. In the real, grownup world there are parallels with fairytales which are easy to overlook. On an emotional level we’re wealthy beyond our wildest dreams. And the more happiness you share, the more happiness you’ll feel. The same applies to love. If you’re wondering if this is true of more negative emotions, it’s not . . . as you’re about to see for yourself. Anxious? There’s a very special message for you. In four minutes get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

YOU’RE very smart. Much smarter than you let other people know. Because you have emotional intelligen­ce, too, you understand that IQ tests measure only a fraction of our intellect. Which is why it’s perplexing that you’re allowing yourself to be so consumed by an old problem that’s refusing to go away. Are you really happy to let your life rumble on, reacting to the same old stimuli while smoothing over the arguments caused by unresolved conflicts? Surely it’s better to wise up and move on! Worried? There’s a very special message for you. In four minutes get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

ONCE upon a time, long, long ago, you had a dream that was so lovely you’ve kept it safely guarded away in a special place. Yet, although much has changed, nothing seems to have moved you any closer to the vision you dreamed of. So now that you have a sense of being able to take a step towards fulfilling your aspiration, no wonder you’re more disturbed than inspired. Even though you doubt that you still care, don’t doubt your hopes. What’s happening now has been a long time coming. Confused? There’s a very special message for you. In four minutes get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

IN JUST a moment of eye contact we can exchange more informatio­n than we can express in hours of conversati­on. We communicat­e on many subtle levels , through intuition and our subconscio­us. Under the influence of powerful astrologic­al trines, even though you feel as if you’re lacking understand­ing and that something important makes no sense, in your heart you know exactly what’s going on. You can use your knowledge to create a brilliant, bright picture of your future. Uncertain? There’s a very special message for you. In four minutes get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

MARLON BRANDO, one of the greatest actors of all time, lived and breathed the characters he played, and took audiences on journeys they won’t forget. If you throw yourself into a role today, you’ll find it surprising­ly easy to convince others to support your most recent idea and follow your lead. So, since you’re about to have some encouragem­ent and backing, you’d better make sure you’re inspired by your vision. As long as you have faith in what you feel, you can achieve anything now. Anxious? There’s a very special message for you. In four minutes get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

SOMETIMES even people who seem to have no fear about expressing their views feel nervous. It’s important to remember this because your anxiety about being misunderst­ood shouldn’t stop you from responding to an unfair situation. Find the confidence to make your voice heard, but also the courage to hear the response. Even though agreement looks unlikely, there’s a possibilit­y for some give and take. If your approach is sensitive, you’ll have more chance of getting the response you want. Worried? There’s a very special message for you. In four minutes get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

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