Irish Daily Mail

Bargain hunters get bang for their buck


THE UK’s Brexit may have been greeted with dismay here – but it has thrown up unexpected bargains.

The British currency fell even further yesterday to just €1.20, and it means a windfall for canny crossborde­r shoppers or those who order goods from UK stores online. Shoppers were warned though to ensure they are being offered the correct exchange rate when buying online or changing their money.

Consumers’ Associatio­n of Ireland chief Dermott Jewell welcomed the fall in prices but said consumers should be aware that crossborde­r shopping damages Ireland’s retail industry.

‘It’s key to remember where we were some years ago. This is a short-term opportunit­y possibly to be availed of but there has got to be considerat­ion that we carefully maintain our positive position. Where possible, you should buy Irish where you can.’ He also warned: ‘If you’re getting a deal, make sure it’s the right deal and not too good to be true.’

While an iPad Air 2 64GB currently costs €549 on Apple’s Irish website, it costs £429 on Apple’s UK website, which converted last night to €514, some €35 cheaper than the Irish price. Last November, when sterling was at one of its strongest points, buying it from the UK website would have cost €613.

On the website, a Panasonic Viera TX40DS400B Smart 40in LED TV costs £299, or €358, according to last night’s exchange rate. This is €69 cheaper than the €427 cost last November and €131 cheaper than the cost on Curry’s Irish website.

On Amazon’s UK website, a copy of the hit novel Fifty Shades Of Grey by EL James is priced at £3.85. Last November, that would have worked out at €5.50 but now is only €4.61, or €0.89 cheaper.

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