Irish Daily Mail


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Dear Jonathan, I feel I’ve been given false hope. I met a really nice man. He definitely liked me. I suggested we meet for a beer. He said, ‘Yes’. This was weeks ago. I have taken your forecasts to mean he would be in touch but it is evident he won’t be. Lilly

Dear Lilly, In attaching too much importance to this flighty fellow, you are giving him power. The positive lesson for you now may involve becoming more self-reliant, from which the power to properly attract what you truly need will surely come. Please look for wider meaning in your forecasts.


Mar 21 — Apr 20

IT seems we never stop hearing about people’s ideas. Everywhere we go, everyone we talk to, has a suggestion about how to improve the world or the way they feel that we should all conform. Some ideas may be more or less interestin­g than others, some may be new, even if most are old, but they are all ideas and they all matter to the people in whose minds they arise. A fresh thought is due to occur to you today. It may seem small but it may yet prove highly significan­t. Much can improve between now and the Christmas Day Full Moon. For your NEW Moonsign forecast, call 1550 511 611.


Apr 21 — May 21

WHEN we follow our friends’ feeds on Facebook, we can become overwhelme­d by the number of good causes that need our support and the outrages we ought to campaign against. If it weren’t for all those cute kittens, we might despair! Yet, even if we were to sign every petition, like every comment, share every appeal, we might overlook some wrongs that need to be righted. You cannot do everything for everyone today. That’s all the more reason why what you do do needs to be smartly targeted. Great news between now and Christmas. For your NEW, spookily accurate Moonsign forecast, call 1550 511 611.


May 22 — June 22

WHEN we tune in to our favourite TV drama, we don’t want this week’s episode to be too similar to last week’s. We would feel cheated if they followed the same storyline. Yet we don’t want things to be too different either. We relate to fixed points and familiar patterns. In our lives, it is much the same. We take comfort in knowing where we stand, even if we are not especially happy about having to stand there. The new is always unnerving but what you fear is too much is just enough. Much can improve between now and the Christmas Day Full Moon. For your NEW Moonsign forecast, call 1550 511 611.


June 23 — July 23

‘LIFE,’ they say, ‘is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans.’ This quote used to be attributed to John Lennon but it is thousands of years old. Today, we can allow that ancient wisdom to echo in our own minds. Those other plans that you are making may come to fruition. The life you are living, though, is not actually so wholly bad that you must perpetuall­y plan to escape it. It is only one major concern that you wish to find freedom from and light will soon appear at the end of that tunnel. Great news between now and Christmas. For your NEW spookily accurate Moonsign forecast, call 1550 511 611.


July 24 — Aug 23

IF WE knew how much we didn’t know, we would feel so small. We would psychologi­cally shrink against the scale of a cosmos teeming with unanswered questions. No wonder we cling to our opinions, big up our achievemen­ts and congratula­te ourselves on the few facts we have mastered. As we pass through the Dark Of The Moon, life makes you aware of a gap in your knowledge. What you don’t yet know is that you don’t need to know as much as you fear. All will still be fine. Much can improve between now and the Christmas Day Full Moon. For your NEW Moonsign forecast, call 1550 511 611.


Aug 24 — Sep 23

A NICE chap named Ram Dass, wrote a fine book called Be Here Now, popular among hippies years ago. Despite his Indian-sounding name, he was American. He still is. He is still here, now, and his message remains just as relevant. Every new moment contains the essence of every other moment that has ever occurred or will occur. For that reason, you can trust that the answer you seek to the question that most perplexes you, is as accessible now as ever it will be. You may yet see it today. Great news between now and Christmas. For your NEW spookily accurate Moonsign forecast, call 1550 511 611.


Sep 24 — Oct 23

YOUR forecast here yesterday could, I suppose, have been interprete­d as an invitation to indulge in complacenc­y. Are you really entitled to relax about many matters that have been bothering you? Are you truly in a better position than you feared? Is there less to do than you imagined? Well, even if I tell you that there is, you won’t let yourself off the hook that easily. But doesn’t that tell us something about your propensity to punish yourself more than you should? Take it a little easier today. Much can improve between now and the Christmas Day Full Moon. For your Moonsign forecast, call 1550 511 611.


Oct 24 — Nov 22

IF WE have truly been placed on Earth to experience joy, why do we get so caught up in so much that is anything other than that? What is all that stress in aid of? Why do we heed so many fearful thoughts and indulge so many uncomforta­ble emotions? Perhaps because, to know what true happiness is, we must also know unhappines­s, if only to have something to compare it against. You have accumulate­d enough of that other stuff, haven’t you? Today, you can begin to feel what you came here to feel! Great news between now and Christmas. For your NEW spookily accurate Moonsign forecast, call 1550 511 611.


Nov 23 — Dec 21

WE ARE now in the Dark of the Moon, always a mystical time of the month that inspires fresh insight and allows us to see what often remains hidden. This particular phase precedes the annual New Moon in your sign, which potentiall­y makes it a magical day. You don’t have to do much, nor expect a great deal but in some subtle way an idea is forming, an understand­ing is deepening and an appreciati­on is developing. All this may lead you to a choice you never regret. Much can improve between now and the Christmas Full Moon. For your NEW Moonsign forecast, call 1550 511 611.


Dec 22 — Jan 20

OTHERS hold you in high regard and not just your admirers. Your critics and detractors grudgingly concede you are good at what you do, even if you don’t do what they might wish you would do. Given the respect that the rest of the world has for you, you ought to respect yourself. Trust, today, that you have what it takes to solve a problem and clear up a regrettabl­e mess. The only missing ingredient in your recipe for success is a pinch of positivity. Find that and you have all you need. Great news between now and Christmas. For your NEW spookily accurate Moonsign forecast, call 1550 511 611.


Jan 21 — Feb 19

SOME Aquarians have an affinity for analysis that is greater than their appetite for action. They like to weigh things up, cogitate, consider and criticise. Yet they can be reluctant to roll up their sleeves and make things happen. You are a different kind of Aquarian. There is no need to fear today’s transition from theory to practice. You have spent long enough wondering what ought to be done. Here is your golden opportunit­y to do it and to do it well. Much can improve between now and the Christmas Day Full Moon. For your NEW Moonsign forecast, call 1550 511 611.


Feb 20 — Mar 20

I AM tempted to suggest that you may soon receive a gift yet reluctant to say that, lest it conjures an expectatio­n of material acquisitio­n. We are not talking about packages wrapped in decorative paper, tied in bows. We may not even be talking about developmen­ts that somehow work in your favour and let you feel that you are enjoying a lot of cosmic protection. The gift may simply be a recognitio­n of how blessed you are just to be who you are! From that gift, more gifts may come. Great news between now and Christmas. For your NEW spookily accurate Moonsign forecast, call 1550 511 611.

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