Irish Daily Mail

Thug who attacked pensioners and stole car was out on bail

- By Ali Bracken Crime Correspond­ent

A CRIMINAL who attacked two pensioners during a car-jacking on Tuesday was out on bail for three crimes, including an armed raid.

His latest crime unfolded on the Malahide Road in Clontarf just after noon on Tuesday and left a 76-year-old man requiring stitches to his head.

The Mail can reveal that the drug addict in his mid-20s has dozens of previous conviction­s and is also out on bail for the sale and supply of heroin and a driving-related offence.

A 78-year-old man came out of his house and was preparing to get into his silver Mercedes when the young criminal ran into his driveway and set upon him.

He beat him and knocked him to the ground before forcibly taking his keys.

A 76 year old passer-by, who witnessed the attack, ran to his aid and was also struck on the head by the criminal with what is believed to have been the car keys. The man fell to the ground.

The suspect then got into the car and fled. The alarm was raised by neighbours within minutes.

The pensioners were treated at the scene by Dublin Fire Brigade, and the 76-year-old passer-by who sustained a head wound was taken to the Mater Hospital. He received a number of stitches to the head and has since been discharged.

Gardaí from Clontarf and Ballymun launched an investigat­ion.

The Mercedes was recovered at Balbutcher Lane in Ballymun within a couple of hours.

Gardaí obtained a search warrant for the suspect’s house in Ballymun. He was already well-known to gardaí.

When officers attempted to gain entry, he became ‘extremely volatile and erratic’.

Sources say he began to throw large items out the window at gardaí, including a television and other heavy electronic devices.

Fearing for their safety, local gardaí called for back-up from the armed Emergency Response Unit. The criminal, who is in his mid-20s, was arrested and taken into custody at Clontarf Garda station by 4pm on Tuesday. He remained in custody under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act last night.

A senior source described the man as ‘an extremely violent drug addict who is utterly unpredicta­ble’.

The Mail can reveal that the young man was recently remanded on continuing bail in connection with an armed raid in which shots were fired.

Several people were threatened with violence during this raid.

Along with two co-accused, the suspect is due to stand trial in connection with this attack in the coming months at the Circuit Court.

He has amassed dozens of conviction­s, mainly for theft, burglary and driving offences. Sources say that his serious drug addiction has led to a spiralling in his criminal activity for most of his adult life.

A senior source said: ‘He is completely out of control and is heading towards a quick demise, or the rest of his life behind bars if he continues with his current lifestyle.’

The suspect is expected to be charged in connection with the car theft and attack on the two pensioners today.

There has been outcry in recent months over attacks carried out by criminals on bail.

Figures recently released show that 115,000 serious crimes were committed by offenders out on bail in the past decade.

‘An extremely violent drug addict’

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