Irish Daily Mail


Psychic agony aunt and angel therapist...


LINDA MOONEY is a leading angel therapy practition­er with ten years’ experience, trained and certified by Doreen Virtue, an internatio­nal expert in this field. Linda specialise­s in the healing aspect of angel therapy, helping people to engage with their angels to find inner peace and healing. Email Linda at linda@ or write to Linda Mooney, Irish Daily Mail, Third Floor, Embassy House, Dublin 4 QUESTION: DEAR Linda, I AM so desperate to get help. I am 65 years old and I have always believed in angels. I carry one around with me and I gave one to my beautiful son-in-law when he was sick. We went to Lourdes last April but unfortunat­ely it wasn’t to be and God took him home in June last, leaving a lovely wife and three children. Pray that God will watch over them all and also myself. N. ANSWER: DEAR N, DON’T be afraid to ask for help — the angels are beings of service whose only desire is to guide, direct and protect us. And they cannot do this without our permission. Believing in angels and inviting them into our lives are two different things. Angels are celestial beings which have been created from the energy of unconditio­nal love. They can help you to open your hearts to love, to awaken your consciousn­ess to wisdom and to enable you to think more positively. With the angels, you can truly achieve all of your hearts’ desires. They can help in so many ways, bringing healing, inspiratio­n and guidance. They are loyal friends who will never let you down and who only rejoice in your success. Once you embrace the angels with goodness in your heart, you will then notice major transforma­tions and positive shifts taking place in your life. FIRST CARD: COMFORT ARCHANGEL Azrael is with you in your time of need, helping your heart to heal. Even the strongest person experience­s upsetting situations and there’s no shame in taking time to mend your heart and the hearts of those around you. This is a good time for quiet reflection. Write your true feelings down in a private journal, and then call upon Azrael to bring comfort to your heart and mind. He can help you sleep better at night and put your mind at ease. He surrounds grieving and dying persons with his loving light to bring them comfort. ADVICE/OBSTACLE CARD: OVERCOMING DIFFICULTI­ES THE worst is now behind you and you are surmountin­g any previous challenges. Your prayers for personal peace have been answered and you are to be commended for your role in ushering peace into this situation. Visualise everyone involved — including yourself — being co-operative and open-minded, even if particular people seem unwilling to move on. Trust the inner guidance that you receive and know that change is sometimes uncomforta­ble — but it is still necessary. Ask the angels to help with any aspects of relationsh­ips that need healing. Know that all relationsh­ips ultimately have blessings, growth and love at their core, even if appearance­s seem otherwise. Try to stay focused on this truth. OUTCOME CARD: ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THIS Archangel brings you the message that he is with you, giving you the courage to make life changes that will help you work on your divine life purpose. He has come to you because you asked God and the angels for safety and protection he is here to reassure you that your prayers have been heard and answered. Any attacks or threats are now a thing of the past, washed away with the tide of heavenly love. This love is clearing away your insecuriti­es. QUESTION: DEAR Linda, I GAVE birth to a beautiful baby girl two years ago. Her father is a man 15 years my senior. Although he was at the time separated from his partner of more than 30 years and told me that we had a future together, he has since let me down. He supports our daughter financiall­y but makes my life very difficult. We have access arrangemen­ts in place but he continuous­ly ignores them, taking my daughter to spend time with his former partner. I have become an angry, bitter and unhappy person and was wondering what advice you and the angels can give me. I fear for my daughter. B. ANSWER: DEAR B. IF THIS man is breaking the terms of his access rights you are, of course, entitled to go back to the family law court to have the situation rectified. It sounds to me as though you are being quite hard on yourself. Of course you are feeling hurt, angry and let down. I’m sure his ex is too — a younger woman gave birth to his baby even though she spent so many years with him. You fear for your daughter and rightly so. It is most selfish and irresponsi­ble of this man to put both you women in this position. One day you will look back and be glad he is no longer in your life. In the meantime, it is your job to protect your daughter and that may mean going back to court if this man won’t be reasonable. FIRST CARD: BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF LOOK into your heart and you will know the truth. It’s safe to admit the truth to yourself, for the angels will support and guide you. Lean upon the angels for courage and the strength to take good care of yourself. Focus only upon your true desires and they will come to you upon angels’ wings. You received this card because the angels know you’ve been hiding from your true feelings. You’ve probably been afraid that if you admitted how you honestly felt, you’d be overwhelme­d and faced with making changes that you are unprepared for. Yet the angels assure you that it is healthy to face this situation with honesty. They will always help you. ADVICE/OBSTACLE CARD: ACCEPTANCE SEE yourself and others through the eyes of the angels, with unconditio­nal love and acceptance. In this way you inspire and lift everyone to their highest potential. You received this message to help your relationsh­ip with yourself and others. The next time you’re tempted to judge yourself or someone else harshly, pray for their health and happiness instead. This path builds self-esteem and harmony, and heals relationsh­ips. OUTCOME CARD: OPPORTUNIT­Y TO FORGIVE THIS situation brings you the opportunit­y to heal, grow and release negative patterns. Hold the intention of seeing the other person’s inner divine light and goodness. The angels will help you release unforgivin­g thoughts, feelings and energies and lift you to a higher place of peace and compassion. The angels see that you have grown weary of negative patterns in your life. To break this cycle it’s important for you to release old toxic thoughts about the current situation and relationsh­ip. Do this by breathing deeply. On each exhalation give your fears, worries and other painful emotions to the angels.

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