Irish Daily Mail - YOU

QUICKFIRE with TV presenter Rylan Clark-Neal

- TV presenter medleys, McDonald’s and an

Guilty pleasure? Cheesy 90s pop music – you can’t go wrong with Steps or the Spice Girls, even a bit of B*Witched, occasional­ly. Career plan B? Airline cabin crew. In fact, I appeared as a flight attendant in Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie. Who would play you in a movie of your life? I wouldn’t say no to Tom Hardy. Biggest bugbear? Pedestrian­s who don’t give a little nod of thanks when you stop for them at zebra crossings. As a child you wanted to be… A pop star. Secret to a happy relationsh­ip? Have plenty of rows – let it out, don’t talk to each other, then get over it. Your best quality? I am nice to everyone. And your worst? The same as my best quality, because sometimes people can take advantage of it. Ever had therapy? Not as such, but being on Celebrity Big Brother in 2013 was like therapy. Being cut off from real life for four weeks was what I needed to sort my head out. Last meal on earth? A large order of whatever I fancy from McDonald’s, plus a McFlurry. Dream dinner party guests? Cilla Black, Paul O’Grady and Alan Carr would guarantee a good time. Advice to your teenage self? Stop worrying – give it time and things will happen. What do you see when you look in the mirror? A snapshot from when I was about 15 – and I never want to see anything different. Starstruck moment? Meeting Geri Halliwell when I was performing a Spice Girls medley on The X Factor in 2012. Cat or dog? Dog, but I’m allergic to both. Big break? Being in a boy band in Ibiza called 4Bidden. Career highlight? Hosting This Morning with my husband Dan. Most embarrassi­ng moment? Talking about the movie Marley on The Wright Stuff when I was actually asked, ‘What’s your take on Mali?’ I’d had no sleep and had completely zoned out. Favourite tipple? Vodka Appletiser. Hangover cure? Sit in the garden, breathe and don’t talk to anyone. Top of your bucket list? To have a primetime Saturday night TV show. Philosophy? Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it all. Worst job you’ve ever done? I walked out of a job at Hollister after one day because I was asked to shave off my beard – but I still kept the staff discount card. First record you bought? Spice by the Spice Girls. Most extravagan­t purchase? Custom-made drapes for my wedding because I wanted every single wall to be white. Biggest fear? It all ending. But I’ve done everything I want to do. Celebrity crush? It used to be Nadia Sawalha, but now I’d say Ruth Langsford. Happiness is… The life I’m living. n Rylan’s autobiogra­phy The Life of Rylan is published by Century, price €20.55

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