Gorey Guardian

‘Dedicated’ Wexford priest celebrates his Golden Jubilee


THE parish of Bree turned out in force recently to celebrate the golden jubilee of Fr Michael Byrne.

Clongeen native Fr Byrne was ordained 50 years ago and served in Davidstown, Cushinstow­n, Gorey, Clonard and Bree.

Clare Doyle, one of organisers, said that there were over 300 people at the celebratio­ns who enjoyed hot food and sandwiches from Linda O’Connor and desserts as generous donations from locals. There was also a number of volunteers who worked behind the scenes to ensure the event was the success it was.

Fr Byrne had insisted he didn’t want any presents to mark the momentous occasion saying instead that he would prefer if people would donate to St Patrick’s Missionary Society, Kiltegan Fathers as they embark on a new mission.

The cause is one that is something close to his heart as every year he travels to where he relieves other priests, allowing them to return home. When members of the Brazilian community come to sermons, he ensures to deliver some of it in Portuguese.

The event was also a family affair; his two twin grand-nephews led the gift procession up through the aisles, while his sister Breda did one of the readings.

Jim Doyle gave a lovely speech outlining all the essential work Fr Byrne has completed during the ten years since he arrived to the village of Bree. He said he was a “very much a down to earth person, no airs or graces, what you see is what you get, someone who treats everyone equally, a man who is easy to approach, easy to talk to.”

Since he began working in Bree he has overseen the refurbishm­ent of the Parochial House, the completion of an extension to Bree NS, conversion of outbuildin­gs to a Pastoral Centre, installati­on of a cry chapel and the painting of the church.

Jim also described Fr Byrne as someone very dedicated to his vocation. He visits all three schools in his parish every week, delivers four masses at the weekend, says mass daily and is known for repeatedly checking in on sick parishione­rs.

Fr Byrne thanked everyone for the party and said he will continue to wok for the parish as long as God and the Bishop allow him.

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